Chapter 23

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Twilight's pov:

The boys were looking at us like we were baffling! "Ahem," I finally spoke out. "Are we going to stand out here in the cold all night or what?" Shadow didn't look as suprised as the others, but I'll admit, he did stare at my dress for a couple of seconds. The boys regained their composer, "I'll race ya to the front door Dashie!" Sonic said and sped off. "You're On!" Rainbow Dash yelled and then sped after him. AppleJack laughed, "Come on Knuckles, I wanna order some apple pies!" she started to walk after Rainbow Dash. Knuckles trotted after her. Discord rolled his eyes, "Come now FlutterShy, I know you don't want to walk all the way to the door, we can teleport!" he said, grabbed FlutterShy, and teleported inside the building.

Shadow smirked darkly, "Shall we go, milady?" I giggled slightly, "Shadow, there is no nee-" "It's alright, princess." without a warning, he also teleported us inside.

I rubbed my head for a moment, and then stared at the decorations and the party.  It was Beautiful!! Princess Luna really outdid herself!  Flowers hung at every corner, red ribbons tied them together and connected them. A huge, glass, chandelier hung in the middle, under it, other ponies danced slowly to the orchestra playing at the side. I spotted Princess Luna in the most beautiful gown imaginable, she was greeting the guests, but when we made eye contact, she said something to the pony she was talking to and the pony nodded. She flew over to me, "Princess Twilight Sparkle! It is a pleasure to see thee again!" I laughed a bit, "As the same to you, dear Luna of the Moon!" she smiled adn turned to Shadow, "And you must be her gaurdian, Shadow! My sister must have met you, but I had never gotten the chance! My name is Princess Luna!" Shadow nodded, "I am Shadow." He bowed to her. "Shadow, I will be getting a drink, you can talk with Princess Luna." I said and started to go to the other side of the room, "I'm coming with you." Shadow said and grabbed my arm. I sighed, "Alright, until next time Princess Luna!" Princess Luna smiled and nodded her head, acknowledging it. 

Rainbow Dash's pov:

Sonic beaten me in our race to the front, ONLY because he had a head start! "Hey Sonic?" "Yep?" "You wanna go rock the dance floor?" I said and grinned. "You Bet!" But unfortunately for us, the only music that would be played, were slow dances. I glanced over to Pinkie Pie, but she was bouncing around with Cheese Sandwich in the corner of the large, grand, room. "Still up to rock . . . a slow dance?" I asked him. "I'll do better than you could ever imagine!" he said and smirked. Oh HE is ON! We started to dance slowly, holding each others arms. The other couples stared at us, but we mostly fit in. Sonic twirled me around and than dipped me. I did all of my movements gracefully and did every dance move correctly with smooth motions. Suddenly, he took out a rose from his pocket and put it between his sharp teeth. I smiled, he was going for it. We moved slowly, going round and round, doing fancy movements. we spun and twirled. Matching each beat. Then when he dipped me really low, but his grip firm, right when the music ended. Suddenly, my ears filled with clapping noises. I looked around us and saw every other pony clapping for us. Sonic scratched his head, "I guess we did really rock the dance!" I laughed. "And you really are a great dancer!" "Thanks Dashie!" 

"So, how's Tails?" I asked. "He's fine, he wanted to hang back and work on some machines since he wasn't really into dancing and parties." I nodded, "Alright. Whats next?"

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