Chapter 2

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Weeping, sniffs, rain and the sound of a women singing Go Rest High are all the sounds I didn't want to hear. This day was not suppose to come like this, I hated it. Everyone hugging me and kissing me saying that they're there for me and Evan when in reality they're not, just something nice to say when something like this happens. AS they lowered my parents into the ground I knew my life was over. The thought of my parents being.. gone is unrealistic, I'm still waiting for someone to come and wake me up as if this was all a bad dream. Waking up to mom cooking breakfast and dad reading the morning paper making fun of how she burnt the toast. Just a horrible bad dream, a nightmare, but this was not a dream it was real and there was no waking up from this,

"Grace! Evan! I can't explain how sorry I am, You know Karen and Charlie were my best friends and I just I'm so very sorry." Lizzy's mom was trying to hold back tears just so she could finish her sentence, Mr. Riley was even here. He hugged us both and began talking about all their good times growing up which made him cry.

Our Uncle Ben and aunt Katie was there, Ben is our dads older brother, he's the best uncle in the world in my opinion and Katie was a great aunt and when I would be getting in trouble with Lizzy Ben would always come and get me and wouldn't tell my dad. He would let the guilt eat me alive until I told them the truth, which was never as bad as I thought it would be.

"Hey kids, how you doing?" Uncle Ben said as we were walking to the car.

"You know, we've had better days, just a lot to take in at the moment." Evan said which was good cause my throat was sore from screaming and crying so much the past few days.

"Well you know that we're here and anything that you need you can call us and we'll be there." Aunt Kate said with a sad smile on her face. Ben looked down at me slowly, he knew how close my dad and I was, he was my best friend there was nothing I never told him, he was the man I looked up to and knew that no matter what kind of situation I was in there was always a silver lining. He grabbed me and hugged me so tight that I almost couldn't breathe and I started to cry.

"It's gonna be okay Grace, I promise you that. No matter what they will still always be here for you, it's alright sweetie." He told me, I couldn't speak every time I tried no words would come out just more sobs.

"Shh it's okay I'm here, don't worry." When he said that I felt Katie put her hand on my back to comfort me. Ben's hugs were almost as good as my dads but it didn't make me feel better. No one could hug me like my mom and dad and that made me feel ten times worse because their hugs are all I wanted at that moment. I wanted them to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay and to say they love me, but that was all over no more hugs, kisses, picking on mom with dad no more laughing at what was on TV with them. No more of dad holding me when I'm upset and no more of mom laying in bed with me when I'm sick, that was all over.

"Come on Grace we have to get back to the house to meet with the lawyer, are you guys coming?" Evan said.

"Um yeah we're coming, we'll meet you two there." Ben said as he released from the hug, Evan then reached for my hand and helped me into the car.

We arrived at the house at the lawyer was already waiting on the porch for us, then Ben and Katie pulled in, got out of the car and we all walked inside and sat at the dining room table. He started pulling out folders and papers spreading them across the table, pulling three pens out of his jacket pocket and placing them neatly on the table next to a few of the papers. He was a small man who looked like he had no idea what he was doing as if he just graduated from law school. His head was shaved he wore glasses to small for his face and his front teeth poked out of his mouth, we could all see he was to nervous to even sit down.

"Alright first off let me say that um' I'm so sorry for your lose, I can't ima-"

"I think we've heard enough of that the past couple days can you just tell us what we need to know." Evan said in an irritated voice, Ben then lightly hit Evans elbow apologized to the man and asked him to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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