the librarian - i made

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I my name is emily. I love books. It really calms me down when ever im sad or mad. One day i went to the library, it was a normal sunny day. I was feeling down so i decided to read a book where a girl finds true love. I felt happy!!! The next day i came back sitting down reading a book. Then i heard books fall down. I wasn't scared considering the fact that books always fall, so i never looked over my shoulder. The next day on my way to the library i saw a old man staring at me. I thought that it was normal cause everyone stares at each other, but i felt uneasy. It felt as if he was staring into my soul. I just ignored the fact that he was staring hard. Once i went to the library it was sooo cold. It was weird because its always cool here and hot outside. Then i heard the books falling again. This time it was behind me, when i turned around i saw the same man asking me for directions. I took him to his destination, only for him to put me in a truck. Once we stopped i was yelling for help, when he took me out he said yell all you want. No one can hear you. Then, he took me inside where it smelled super weird. I was shaking and yelling. Then he pit something over my mouth to calm me down and fall asleep. Once i woke up i saw a bunch of bodies hanged up and cut open with maggots and flies surrounding the bodies. I was super scared. Then he took my shoes off. He was tearing my skin then i fainted. I woke up to a smell that was even worse then last time. I turned around to see a dead girl next to me. He was acting sorta nice to me. He feed me soup that tasted soooo good. Only for him to tell me it was her body. I said what do you mean?? He said the girl next to you, you are eating her. I spit it out and started screaming with terror!!! The next morning i woke up to helping him!!!! Helping him!!!!!!!!!! Im one of him now. I cant get out of the body he put me on. He changed me, my whole self!!!!!!! I was under his control. If i didnt do what he said ill die. So then i got used to it. Now im writing this to say help me. Im sick, but i cant stop!!!! It feels sooooo good tearing his skin. I killed the man who was gonna kill me then feed me to someone else. Now im him, i do what he does. I cant stop and ill never stop. I cant stop cutting. Im writing this with my blood!!!!! Now if you listen to strangers then you might come with me. Ima get you next.

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