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I couldn't escape it. I couldn't forget it. I couldn't break away. I was only ever snapped into the illusion that the rest of the people I knew lived in for short periods of time, very rarely. I'm not going to say I was snapped back into reality because the definition of reality is the place you spend most of your time in, and as I spent all of my time in that world that was reality for me. I couldn't stop repeating those same few minutes-no, seconds that felt like minutes.
Her face was above mine, but it wasn't her face that I saw. Her eyes were empty and black, and there was no soul behind them any more. The same eyes I used to love so much. The same eyes that, when I saw them, I would get a burning feeling all over me centred in my chest. It's weird that I remember so vividly what love was like but I can't remember the emotion itself. Her face, though empty, forgotten, and soulless still had traces of the last few emotions she'd ever felt. I knew that when she'd looked at me, she'd felt relief, protection, happiness and then betrayal, sadness and hopelessness after it happened. I couldn't stop staring at the half-made tears in what was left of her eyes that hadn't had enough time to fall. Her once soft blonde hair was now drenched at the tips with what was oozing from her chest and what was slowly dripping through my fingers. I was confused. Why wasn't I screaming? In the movies they always screamed or begged for help. I dropped the gun, but I could still feel its icy metal sides digging-no, burning- into my fingers as it clattered to the floor. I would never leave her again. I knew this was a fitting punishment. Because of what I'd done, I didn't deserve any of it. I didn't deserve the joy of seeing her alive and happy each day. I didn't deserve to be sane for as long as I was. I deserved the grief, the guilt, the sadness. I deserve this pain; this eternal torture. This was a fitting punishment.

I've tried many times to move on from that moment, but I keep going back to it, just like regular people keep going back to their version of reality. I want to move on, but I promised I would never leave her again and so I will stay with her there forever.

Her face was above mine, but it wasn't her face that I saw. Her eyes were empty and black, and there was no soul behind them any more.  

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