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April 5, 12:35 P.M.

"It seems like

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"It seems like

the world is changing

too fast for you

to try and avoid it."

April 5So far the school year is off to a great start

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April 5
So far the school year is off to a great start. I'm glad that I get to see Phichit around more often now that he has transferred to our high school instead. He was supposed to be attending a different high school for his first year.

I honestly thought I'd be all alone this year again. I guess some things change for the better.

I didn't get a chance to write it down yesterday so I'll say it now. There's an exchange student in my class. Viktor Nikiforov. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. What's someone like him doing here?!

And worse thing is, our homeroom sensei made him sit right in front of me! A perfect view of his beautiful hair! I'm really making this sound like a bad thing... But how can I concentrate when there's someone as gorgeous as him that I have to see every day in class from now on??!

Someone that always seemed so far away is now within my reach.

My face slightly flushes at the sudden realization of what I just wrote. I let my ballpoint pen fall into the journal in my lap and place my palms against my cheeks, trying to get a hold of myself.

Man, this isn't right. All I'm doing is admiring him, right? I mean, everyone practically does because he's pretty well-known. You see, Viktor is kind of famous. He appears in a lot of teen magazines so he's done a lot of photo shoots for his career since he was fourteen.

That's why everyone knows him. He's modeled a lot of winter outfits for the men's catalogue.

I lean back against the tall tree that I sat in front of. Just as I was about to close my eyes and let all the deep thoughts take place, my friend Phichit waves his hand in front of my face.

"Hey Yuuri, you know you can't nap! We've only got about five minutes left till lunch is over!" My Thai friend gives me a toothy smile before looking down at the open journal in my lap. "Ooh, whatcha writing?" He immediately snatches it to take a peek before I can even protest.

"Phichit! Give it back! You know I have to use that journal for my personal thoughts and stuff!"

"Yes, yes. I'm not gonna read any of your other entries. I just want to see what you wrote today." I groan loudly and cover my face in embarrassment, already giving in. He is definitely gonna say something about this...

"Besides, it's unusual for you to bring it today. You normally leave it at home," He comments, dark eyes scanning the last few lines of the page. I tear a few pieces of the thin green grass beside me, trying to distract myself from the uneasiness that creeps into my stomach. Nobody has ever read my notebook. Not even Phichit, but I'm very protective when it comes to it.

He shuts the leather journal and hands it back to me before crossing his arms behind his head and leaning back against the tree. He doesn't say a word; just stares ahead and lets the gentle breeze of the wind blow through our hair. It's almost comforting. Sitting here and relaxing under the cool shade of trees, occasional sunlight peeking in through the foliage. But why is he so quiet? Just say something already.

He glances down at our empty bento boxes lying in the grass before speaking up again. "Yuuri, you're so lucky." I furrow my eyebrows, a little confused at his random statement.


"You're so lucky."

"...Why exactly?"

He suddenly pounces on me, coal eyes practically shining with luster. "You have a super awesome, not to mention famous, Viktor Nikiforov in your class! And he sits right in front of you! You know how many people would kill just to experience that?!"

I look to the side with a small grimace at all of his gushiness. "Yeah, I'm sure people would kill to see that." I let out a sigh and tried to pry him off of me but he just wraps his arms around me and rocks back and forth on his knees.

"Come on, don't be like that, Yuuri! You got it good!"

"Didn't you read what else was in there?" I grumble.

"Well, yeah I did." Phichit lets go of me and the adoring look on his face has now been replaced with a smirk. "It sounds like someone admires him." I've only know Viktor for barely a day and we hardly even exchanged words! Flustered, my face heats up and I tried to sputter something out.

"Yeah, but n-not in the way you're thinking of..."

"Dude. I'm not sure whether I should ship it or not. But I'll make sure to keep it in mind." He winks and I swat him playfully on the arm. The sound of the bells ring out across the field outside and Phichit stands up and stretches, arms held high above his head.

"You coming or not?"

"Nah, you go ahead. I'll just stay here for a little longer."

"Alright, just don't get in trouble, 'kay?" He gives me a small wave over his shoulder and starts heading back to the building. I smile softly at his retreating form before glancing down on the still-closed notebook in my lap.

I know it's not a good idea to be a little late to class on the second day but something's telling me to add a few last things to the book. Gripping my pen in my hand, I flip through the countless of filled pages until I reached the page.

I scribbled down the last few things for today's entry.

Phichit made sure to torture me about what I wrote; that little devil. I'll definitely get him back for this.

I'm going to admit that I do hope to talk to Viktor a little bit during this year. But why would someone like him want to talk to me? If only he knew how much I looked up to him. But that'd be embarrassing. I wish I had that kind smile he wears and how he carries himself around confidently.

Maybe I'm hoping too much. I guess time will only tell.

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I'll definitely make sure to introduce more characters in this book! ;)

Hope you're enjoying this so far! (It's so hard to take this book slow, I just want them to meet up already too!! 😩)

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