Chapter 9 - I Miss You

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The members caught Jungkook as he exited the building and collapsed outside the door. They looked at each other worriedly. He had gone in when he saw that Jimin wasn't there, and since he didn't come out with the maknae, they could only assume what their friends had found, what he had seen..

They watched as their home for the last five months burned to the ground, leaving them in shock and disbelief.. All their work, the final memories of their two best friends, the slow process of loosing hope and getting used to being forced to do slavework, all the beatings, the lectured..

They all disappeared before them in a burning inferno of smoke and ash and fabric...

Some people broke down into tears, others ran for their escape, others fainted...

But those five boys stood there, just watching it. They stood there for an hour, ignoring the ache in their legs, the burning in their eyes and lungs, the people asking if they were alright.

And then one broke.

The one who had gone through the most, who had scars all over his body from the whips, the fists, the cigarettes burned into his pale skin. The one who was the thinnest, the sickest. The youngest..

A smile spread across his face as tears rolled down his cheeks, covered in ash. He stood behind the others at first, but then walked through them, towards the building.


They just watched him.


They watched him scream insanely at the burning building.

"Do you miss us?! Do you miss laughing with us??"

They watched him fall to his knees at the same time as the building collapsed.

"I miss you"

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