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In the large dining room, full of tables and with red wallpaper, Tiffany and MJ sit.

"Yes, I want to be an Alpha." Tiffany says, with a little hesitation, not wanting to fully let go of her past life, afraid she's making a mistake.

"Yes! Well, we're going to have to get started on your paperwork. Just kidding, we just have to a stupid ritual. Th usual shit, cutting your skin, promising that you will never betray us." MJ says, as Storm and Kenya appear on the other side of the room. They see MJ and Tiffany and walk over to them. Storm and Kenya stand in front of Tiffany and MJ, who are sited.

"We don't have much time. We need to make the transfer now." Storm says, almost skipping the words from how fast she's talking.

"Okay, but first, meet the new member of the Alphas." MJ says, referring to Tiffany.

"Really? Kenya decided to join too. Congratulations, Tiffany." Storm says, as Tiffany and Kenya smile at each other.

"Congratulations, Kenya. Well we shouldteleport now. Castle, take us to the Tech room." MJ says, making all ofthem disappear from the dining room. 

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