The House and Lillie

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Our neighbors had graciously taken Lillie inside while we went to the hospital, but that still didn't fix our house situation. Our house was still on fire and everything we ever owned was burning down with it.

We couldn't do anything but take Lillie to the veterinarian and make sure she was okay. Our cars were in our house so at this point we had no house, no transportation! no nothing. We had to walk to the veterinarians office which was about 3 miles about. It was 39 degrees out but we didn't have any warm clothes or jackets so when we got to the office we were about as cold as Popsicles.

They took my mom and Lillie into a room while I stayed with my dad in the waiting room. They took some x-rays and then listened to her heart. She was having trouble breathing so she went in to emergency heart surgery. She was in there for about 2 hours until we finally heard the news that she ........


Will only live for a few more years since the smoke coated her lungs. My dad comforted my mom and I while the vet got Lillie ready to go home. I remembered thinking to my self that school was only 5 days away since we were on winter vacation. When the vet cleared Lillie we all started for the walk to our "house". When we got back the fiery flames were gone, but the ashes were still left. I remember looking through the ashes seeing if anything was salvageable. I found a couple pictures of me when I was little and when I was at my 1st birthday party. The only way the survived was because I put them in a box that was in another box that was in my drawer.

My grand parents arrived at our "house" and picked us up since we would be living there for quite some time. My grandparents had also picked us up something to wear since we would all have to go shopping for clothes. We all got dressed at my grandparents house and then headed towards the mall!!!( yippy!!!!!) Suddenly, we went passed the mall and started heading towards.............the thrift shop. I didn't want to go but it was the only place I could go since we would have to save all our money to purchase a new house. I entered the thrift store and I headed to the section marked JUNIORS , while my parents walked to the sections marked off MALE ADULTS and FEMALE ADULTS. I remember combing through the racks, to my surprise I found some really cute clothes. Like a beige blouse, tanktops, jeans, plaid button down shits, and my favorite SWEATSHIRTS!!!!!!!

I picked out the only 2 pairs of jeans there ( luckily they were my size), the beige blouse, one red and black flannel button down shirt, 4 different color tanktops,and a blue sweatshirt with the words Stowe, Vermont printed on it in white. I brought the clothes to my grandmother and she approved of the clothes so when we brought them to the cashier lady she said the total was $22.00. I was flabbergasted that all of those clothes were only $22.00. My parents meet us at the car since they had already purchased their articles of clothing. We headed back to my grandparents house to decide the sleeping arrangements. I guess I was sleeping on the couch for a while while everyone else got a comfortable bed, since I was the youngest one in the house. That night I didn't get any sleep. I stayed up all night and took a shower at 5:00 am. When I got out I put my hair into two braids and put on some mascara and eyeliner. I then put on my beige blouse and a red tanktop. Then I put on my jeans and got ready to go. I left empty handed cause I had nothing.

I walked slowly to the car and hopped into the passenger seat. My mom hopped into the drivers seat and drove me too school. The whole ride there it was completely silent. When we got to school I hopped out of the car and gave my mom a kiss on the cheek. I ran over to my BFFs Ellie, Alli, Gabbie, and Emily. They all saw me and ran for me as I ran for them. We all hugged and I told them everything that had happened over winter vacation.

Present Time

"Lexie it will be okay, it will take a little while until you and your family get back on your feet, but it will be okay!" , they all chimed in at the same time.

"I know but how will Joey ever like me in these clothes?"

"I don't know Lexie" said Ellie "but we should all head ins-"

Ring Ring Ring

" Well I guess that means its time to go in" said Emily.

" To bad "I said. "Its great to be with you guys again, I don't know what I would do without you guys."


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I've never written a story before so I'm just getting into the groove. I'm sorry this chapter isn't that long, but I'm trying to make them longer as we go on in the story.

Yes, everyone in this story are actual people in my life and I really wanted them to be in my very first story.

No, this is not a real story. This is a realistic fiction story, which means that it could happen, but it hasn't happened yet.

Thanks again :) I'll make sure to add on really soon!!!! Plz vote and I'll try to answer as many questions and comments as possible!

Bye!!! :)

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