Too many daughters!

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Joanna Wu was a mother of four girls, and she was expecting another child. She watched as her husband, Desmond, swung around Candy (aged 9) like a merry-go-round.

"Mummy." Diana (aged 12 and studying for her PSLE) walked up to her "Where do babies come from?"

"Diana dear, we talked about this already. They come from my belly."

"Do you think I'll ever have a baby?"

Desmond almost dropped Candy when he heard that.

"You're too young for this. Why are you asking?"

"Because a boy kissed me the other day. Does that mean I'll have a baby in my belly?"

"No dear. And what did I tell you about beginning your sentences with because?"


Diana ran off.

"How is the baby coming along?" Desmond walked over, a burp came from Diana's mouth.

"How will your mother react if it is another girl?"

Desmond did not respond. In their bedroom Belina and Abigail (twins aged 4) were sleeping in each other's arms.

"What would we name this one if it is another girl? We already have A,B,C and D."

"We'll think of something. It's not really important. What's important is my mother."

Joanna rubbed her forehead, she could remember what happened thirteen years ago. Before Diana was born.

"I went to a fortune teller the other day." Desmond's mother had said. "She told me that you would bear five children."

"That's great!" Desmond exclaimed.

"That's....painful for me." Joanna shook her head.

"You cannot escape. It is destiny. Five children, lots of boys."

"What if they are all girls?"

"Choy choy choy! Don't say such things!"

"The fortune teller didn't tell you the genders?"

"No need. All will be boys. Confirm!"

Years and many girls later Joanna was sitting on the living room sofa, awaiting her mother in law for lunch. It was another visit from her, but today felt ominous for some reason. She could not put her finger on why. Perhaps it had been the way Candy was chewing her food this morning, like she was thinking about something while doing so. The food (potatoes and beans) had remained in her food even after her younger sisters finished their meal. The twins had also done something unusual. They kept dancing around in circles until they were dizzy, and kept dancing after giggling to themselves. From experience, they had never enjoyed feeling dizzy so it struck Joanna as odd.

"Dear." She looked at Desmond. "How long is she going to take?"

She wanted to walk around the house. Four kids worth of varicose veins clogged behind her legs, and she always believed that walking with help erase them. And walking made her feeling better about losing all the weight she had put on. She had given up on exercising after the third child, so naturally she was beginning to look more like a plum. Desmond said he did not mind and respected her wishes, but she could not stop thinking about his coworkers. Especially his secretary, who was younger and more voluptuous than Joanna.

Ding Dong!

Desmond went to get the door, while Abigail and Belinda roused from their slumber. The twins cried at the sound of the screening cane that made its way over the first marble tile in the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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