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"What is your real purpose?"

"In hope of destroying you." Teivel sounded force to say that.

"Interesting. Oh boy, I sure do love these things." Victor sounded amused. He was using another vampire skill that all vampires have. I can't remember what it was called. But he used it on Alec once, it's something to do with telling the truth. "Did you hear that Meg. They have come to kill me. Such naughty dogs." He rested his arm on the top of my head. "Who sent you?"

"Michael." Miyuki said for the first time. Her voice was heavily accented.

"Michael who?" She looked up, stared at Victor. Teivel gave her a look of horror and she pointed at me. My heart stopped and I swallowed hard.

"Michael Arnold." Victor said in awe. "But why would the bag of wrinkle skin and prune juice want me dead?"

"To blame you." Teivel said quietly.

"For what?" Teivel pressed his lips to a thin line. "Come boy, speak up. You have said this much, might as well some more. Come now, what does that nursing home reject want to blame me for?"

It all made sense now. I couldn't believe it until now. All of the unrest, the death of our brethren. All the talk of how the Warriors desire the Normal to look at us. To notice us. And who else would they chose? Victor would be a perfect subject to blame. He is vampire. A reject, more than what I am. Even though he is the most loyal Warrior, Victor is still one of the undead. He would be a good choice. "For war." I whispered, I took Victor's arm and held on tightly. My heart nearly stopped. They are wanting to be noticed and they are going to kill Victor. But what about those murders? Victor mention war before he went of to Ireland. It had to be for war, but what type of war?

"Yeah. Maybe. I don't know. I believe so." Teivel said slowly, Miyuki tilted her head upward. She mumbled something that I couldn't hear, but Victor raised an eyebrow and Teivel nodded his head slowly. Victor blinked and looked at me. My head was swarming with questions. My mind became filled with the sound of static. If they kill Victor, and if blame him for the start of a war. He will be killed for a treason and crime he did not do. And if the Leaders convict him, then every Warrior across the world will believe them. Only a few people will be on Victor's side.

"What type of war?" Victor finally asked. He was amused. He didn't even tried to hide it from his voice.

"We don't know. They never tell us such secrets. We have come to inform you." Victor closed his eyes and lowered his arm. Any Warrior who is considered a threat to the Leaders, they always send someone to inform them their demise. And if they run, they will be hunted down like the monsters we kill. The flames that Victor had disappeared, there was no evidence to prove that Victor's hand was on fire. Victor heaved a heavy sigh and scratching his jaw.

"Pity. I honestly desired to know something that could take the Leaders out." He threw his head back and laughed. He laughed like he just witnessed Jim Gaffigan live. A chill ran down my spin as I watched him. When he gained control of himself, he sighed. "Meghan, let's go. There is nothing left to be said." I let go of Victor's sleeve as Teivel sighed as if he was relieved and he delicately touched Miyuki's cheeks. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand. I had to look away, my cheeks were fire engine red.

"Victor." I called when we were far away from them. "What are you going to do?" He turned and looked at me. He closed his eyes as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Nothing." He pressed his lips together, there was a hint of a smile that crept across his sharp features. "There is nothing I can do. Nothing you can do. No one can do anything about it. If they want me dead, then I shall die."

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