I have noticed that if I am able to date the one of the most popular girls in school I could flip it upside down. That isn't impossible either I can do that. Like I would probably get cheated on or have her break up with me. However my power would be great being boosted to COBN (chad only by name). A chad is just a douce bag essentialy. Now I don't think this is an entirly impossible task. Being able to pull this off would be tough, but I could craft the school to my image and how I want it to be. It would be the best having almost peace with everybody. To answer why she would cheat on me or break up with me that is because I don't want to have sexual relations with a female. My friend said she is probably a coal burner.
Stuff that happens in life (some fiction added)
RandomHeyo there let's get this straight this is stories of my life with some of my twisted fantasies but into the mix. I have to say I am a unemotional bastard and at times I go to far.