Where did i come from?

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Rosie sat at the table and twirled around her pasta. "Papa?" She questioned

"Yes Rosie" he replied.

"Well today we learnt about sex and-" she said. Leo eyes widened, eager to hear what she was about to say. Dan caught onto it and quickly snapped "not right now Rosie." He bursted out.

"No dad it will be quick, I promise"

"Can't this wait-"

"No!" She snapped. Dan became quiet and began to listen.

"Well we learnt about when a women and a man have sex it can sometimes create a baby. So I was wondering how Leo and I were made. I mean you two are men so neither of you can actually carry a kid. So are we like adopted because I wouldn't be surprised if Leo was, he's a complete twat"

"Hey!" Leo yelled with a mouth full of pasta.

Dan looked at phil and gave a chuckled.

"Look" Phil's started "you two aren't adopted. And you are correct neither I or your dad can carry a child. So we used something called a surrogate, that's when a women carries a baby for-"

"Wait so we have a mum?" Leo asked wiping all the sauce off his mouth.

"No, no Leo your making this more complicated that it actually is" dan reassured him. "You two are 100% ours, look it's a bit confusing can we talk about this later?"

"No dad I want to know where I came from" Rosie snapped at dan.

"Dan I'll explain. A surrogate is a very nice women who carries people's babies. Just like your dad and I."

"So were not adopted?" Rosie's asked once more.

"No, sadly not"

Leo reached over and punched Phil on the should "hey!"
Currently have exams so yay!
I'm sorry I've been so M.I.A

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