Chapter 1: Arrival

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It was morning. The sun was filtering in through my blinds into my otherwise dark room. Birds chirped outside and you could hear the soft blowing of the wind in the trees. The sun was shining brightly and the green grass swayed softly with the trees. Despite how beautiful it was outside, I did not want to get up. It would mean another day of school where no one would remember me by the end of the day anyways. 

It's not that I was easily forgotten but that I made people forget me. I don't know how I acquired this skill, but if I concentrate on someone, I can erase myself from their lives. I discovered this when I was nine. That was when I had accidentally made my own parents forget me. Ridiculous, right? I was put into a foster home that I've since ran away from. 

I don't know why I wanted people to forget me or why I still do it. But I've never felt like I mattered much to anyone anyways so why remain in their memory? They wouldn't look back and think I wonder what happened to that blonde-headed girl? I wasn't important. Nor was I out of the ordinary. I wasn't exceptionally gorgeous. Maybe I wouldn't want people to forget me if I were.

I got up and stretched, my blonde curls that were in a messy bun, tumbling down my back. I had thirty minutes to get to school. Sighing, I got up and got dressed in black shorts and a giant sweater while just quickly brushing through my curls. I wish I had normally straight hair. Curls could be such a pain. I grabbed my bag, an apple, and slipped on my high-tops before slipping out the door. 

The suns warmth hit me as soon as I got outside and I soaked it up. Summer would be here soon and I couldn't wait. Just one more week Elizabeth...One more week, I tell myself. 

I make it to school just as the bell rings to get to class. I don't know why I'm here...I come here and I get a new schedule every week because I make them all forget me at the end of every week. What was the point? The point is that it gives you a sense of normality. Oh. Right.


The week passed by quickly and I was now allowed to stay in my room for all of eternity if I wished. No one remembered me so why go anywhere? Who was I supposed to hang out with? Oh stop pitying yourself. You made them forget you, remember? I sighed softly. I did make them forget me. Why am I feeling sorry for myself? The sound of a loud truck brought my attention to my window. It was a moving truck.

Who's moving in? No one has lived in the house beside me for three years since Mrs.Jones died right on the front porch. A small van followed shortly behind. There's the mom and dad. A little girl. Two younger boys that I assumed were twins by the look of it. Then out came a boy. A boy that looked about my age. From here I could see that he had black hair, longer than most of the boys at my school. He had perfect clear skin and a nice build on him. Oh stop it! I pulled away from the window and stretched out on my bed. I passed out shortly after.


The sound of my door bell ringing had me alert and awake. Who could be visiting? I cautiously made my way down the stairs and opened the door. There stood the boy that I had seen earlier. 

"Hey. Uh...My mom wanted me to come and introduce myself and well..ask that you come over and meet my family since you're our only neighbor." He said, turning his attention away from his shoes to my eyes. 

"I guess so." I shrugged. His eyes were a beautiful blue. "You won't remember me tomorrow though." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked, looking confused. I shook my head and closed the door. "I'm Alec by the way." I nodded.


"That's a beautiful name." He said, causing my cheeks to heat.

"Let's go." I replied, motioning for him to lead the way. When we got to his front door, he let us in and I heard the sound of pots and pans clattering in the room ahead. 

"My mom's making dinner. She said you're welcome to stay if you feel comfortable enough."

"I don't know..."

"Alec, bring her in here! Don't hideout by the door!" A female's voice bellowed from the kitchen. I followed Alec and spotted who belonged to the voice. She was slim and tall and had the same gorgeous eyes as her son. She was beautiful with her fiery red hair and green eyes. "Hello sweetheart." She said warmly, a smile lighting her face. "Where's your parents?"

"I don't live with them. with my grandmother. She's bedridden and couldn't come." Alec's mom frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear. Well I'm Mrs. Williams but you can call me Maria." She smiled, her teeth a perfect white. I nodded.

"Thank you. I'm Elizabeth." I gave a small smile back. 

"Now you kiddos go off and do something while I finish up dinner." Maria said, shooeing Alec and I away. This was odd. I felt like I was already apart of their household when I had just met them. 

"I guess we could go up to my room. We got the t.v. unpacked and we can watch a movie or something." Alec said. I shrugged and followed him. We ended up watching three episodes of American Horror Story before Maria called us down to dinner. The smells assaulted my nose and I couldn't help but close my eyes for a brief second. It smelt wonderful. I noticed it was just us three.

"If you don't mind me asking, where are your other family members?" I asked after finishing chewing the amazing spaghetti Maria made.

"Oh, they're out hunting." She responded, making Alec cough.

"Hunting? With little kids?" I asked.

"Mother!" Alec exclaimed and Maria's eyes widened. "Yes. They're safe with my dad." Alec said to me. Dinner was awkwardly silent after that and we all quickly left the table once everyone was done. 

"Thank you for coming Elizabeth!" Maria hollered as I made my way outside the door, Alec behind me.

"Sorry if this was all weird..My family is very welcoming to people. Even new neighbors." Alec said, walking me to my door.

"It's okay. Thank you. And please tell your mom I said thank you for dinner..It was really good." Alec smiled, showing off that he had the same perfect white teeth as his mother. I blushed. Why were these people so gorgeous? I couldn't help but wonder if the rest of the family was blessed with such good looks. 

"Will do. Well, I'll see you later, Elizabeth."

"If you remember me." I shut the door soon after that and concentrated all of my mind on Alec and his mother. Once I was sure that it had worked, I went up to bed.


Hey everyone! So I decided to head on with a different story. Yes, this is a vampire story but I'm throwing in a little something that will hopefully make this story different and that's that Elizabeth can make people forget her. I know this chapter was boring but please remember, it is simply the introduction to this story :) 

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P.S. Picture of Elizabeth on the side c:

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