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Carl had never felt a feeling like this before. The dread of what would happen next, knowing that he was going to have to face it. 

"Tell me you're not involved in this," his Dad said.

Michonne, Maggie and Glenn were there with him.

He had remained silent for a minute, his heart racing, "If I did I'd be lying," he said.

They'd both been shut inside a room that could be locked from the outside so that their parents could decide what to do with them.

"I'm so sorry Carl," Enid said softly.

She wiped at her eyes, "I just realized how selfish I've been for the past month,"

"You're not selfish, I don't think that at all," he argued.

"But it's true. If I hadn't dragged you into this you wouldn't be in trouble with your parents," she said.

"I don't regret it Enid! Making friends with them was the greatest adventure I've ever been on," he said, "I should be thanking you!"

She paused, "...do you think we'll ever see them again?" she muttered.

"I know so. Stop crying and pull yourself together, we've gotta come up with a plan so we-" he stopped when he heard the door being opened.

"Enid your parents wanna talk to you," his Dad said.

She nodded and left the room, stealing a worried look back at Carl.

Rick crossed his arms and shook his head, "What the hell were you thinking? Putting both of your lives in danger like that? You could've both been killed,"

"But we weren't," he said.

"It's not just about you! Humans aren't meant to know about us for a reason Carl. To protect all of us," said Rick.

"Not all humans are bad like you think Dad," he argued, "The humans we met were kind and wonderful if you would just-"

"I don't want to hear it Carl. We'll talk about this tomorrow but until then you're not to leave this room," he said dismissively.

"Wait!" he said, but the door was shut in his face.


"I mean... if Enid wants to become human then what about you?"

Ron's words were being thriwn around in his head. What do I want? I don't even know anymore, he thought. It makes him so happy to see Enid happy, and he really wanted her to be with Sophia. But what about him? Ron...

If Carl was to stay here for the rest of his life he'd eventually become the leader of the merpeople. But that isn't the life for him. He closed his eyes, and could vividly remember what it had felt like to kiss Ron. How warm his lips were, how he tasted, and how he made Carl feel.

Without him Carl felt confused and scared, but as soon as he thought of Ron everything seemed clear. He wanted to be human, and go on new adventures with Ron, Enid, Sophia, Mikey and Lydia. Adventures that he didn't have to worry about keeping secret.

Hours seemed to pass until finally the door was opened. He looked up and there were Enid and a bright yellow-tailed mermaid with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Enid rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Carl tightly, "Are you okay?" he spoke softly into her shoulder.

She pulled back and nodded, smiling brightly, "You remember my Aunt Beth don't you?"

"Yeah of course, but what's going on?" he asked.

"I'm getting you both out of here," said Beth, a smile on her small pink lips.


This fanfiction is a piece of shit but its my baby so i love it

 I'm going back to school tomorrow so I'm probably not gonna be updating as often? Like it'll probably be once every couple days instead of daily

 Also I've started writing another fic for when this one is over called missing. Oooo mysterious lol anyways I hope you're having a great day and you're taking care of yourself xx

 Oooo mysterious lol anyways I hope you're having a great day and you're taking care of yourself xx

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