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Ben paces in what used to be his fathers study, now his father is dead.

No matter how many times he says that to himself he still can't believe it. Mal sits nearby on a couch, curled up into a ball.

"What now?" She asks in a small voice, Ben keeps pacing trying to organize the chaos in his mind

"I don't know" Ben answers he paces for a few more moments and stops "I have to know the truth" with that he leaves the room and heads to the library where his royal counselors are.

Mal stays on the couch from her pocket she takes out Evie's magic mirror

"Mirror mirror in my hand," she begins "show me Victoria is she alright?"

After Victoria and Daniel fled from Auradon they went back to the island where Dr. Facilier was waiting for them

"Come on this way" he says and leads him to Victoria's room, Daniel puts Victoria on the bed and wakes her up, her eyes flutter open

"Where are we?" She asks drowsy

"On the isle" Daniel says fetching some clothes from her closet "we don't have much time, who knows what Ben will do"

"He'll let us go" Victoria says changing clothes

"You can't be certain" Daniel says Victoria stands and her father appears at the doorway

"Are you alright?" He asks his eyes sad and empty

"I'm alright dad" she smiles

"Good come on" he leads them down some stairs into their basement and down a secret hallway

"Where are we going?" Victoria asks Daniel grabs her hand in reassurance

"To our rightful home" he says "Vernelle"

"Grandmas kingdom?" Victoria asks as they keep going deeper and deeper into the ground

"Yes" Facilier says and pushes open a door revealing a vast cave with symbols etched on the walls and a mask like sculpture, his mouth wide open and eyes closed

"How?" Daniel asks

"This portal will take us there" he says and cuts his palm he lets his blood drip inside the open mouth and it comes to life, a green light fills the empty eyes and smoke pour from the mouth.

"But we have no power there" Victoria argues

"Victoria you're grandmother was expelled from the inside, she was betrayed and had no choice but to flee. Javert allied with a neighboring kingdom to throw her out but the people remained loyal to her" Facilier explains as he bandages his hand "and they are still loyal now. For years they've had an underground army waiting for the right time, for their queen to come back"

"Me?!" Victoria frowns "why not you dad?"

"I am too old" he chuckles "I will help you as much as I can but you must assume the throne" Victoria bites her lip deep in thought she closes and opens her free hand and feels deep inside her for her powers and finds strength. At last she looks straight at the portal

"Lets go" she says bravely "my people need me"

The war on Vernelle was short and quick, the underground army was well organized and they snuck into the castle without being detected. From there they divided into groups and slowly took down Javerts rule.

The battle lasted three days at most, the king and his forces were caught unaware and Victoria and Dr. Facilier were fueled with vengeance. On the third day Victoria decapitated Javert in the main plaza for all to see. The people were overjoyed that their lost queen had come back to them. But they weren't done yet. Javert had followers and ties to other kingdoms

Over the next few months Victoria and Daniel strengthen their hold on their kingdom, driving away invading forces and destroying followers of Javert who threatened to overthrow her. The people were on her side which helped Victoria to a great extent. And finally when things calmed down they celebrated.

The celebration lasted for days the people could once again breathe freely and without fear of punishment. After the celebration, when things calmed down Victoria and her father worked on the technical issues of ruling a kingdom, Daniel was a great help since he had been taught how to rule since he was a baby.

At last the day came for Victoria's coronation.

"Are you nervous?" Daniel asks straightening her dress and curling her hair

"No" she smiles "you're nervous enough for the both of us" she jokes and Daniel gives her a small peck on the lips

"It's time" Facilier says dressed in an elegant black and purple suit

"We're ready" Daniel smiles his dark green suit flatters him rather nicely.

"You look beautiful" Facilier kisses his daughters cheek

"Thank you" she blushes. The dress is simple yet elegant with a heart shaped corset and a puffed up skirt decorated with lace it has a long train behind it. It's a soft green color with magenta accents on the corset. Her hair is half up half down and curled. A veil falls to her lower back and the front part falls to her clavicle

"Lets go" she smiles.

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