You Can Do That, Fluffy?!

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We all like animals. Puppies, and kitties, and ponies, oh my! Here's some random animal facts!

Tigers have striped skin not just striped fur.


The breed of Chinese Crested dogs can get acne.

(Uh, ew...)

A goldfish has the memory span of 3 seconds.

(So that's why Goldie ate his own poop...)

A cat has 32 muscles in its ear alone.

(Wouldn't it be cool if cats could fly with their ears?...)

An ostriches eye is bigger than it's brain.

(No wonder they stick their heads in the ground.)

And finally:

The CIA spent $20 million dollars on a cat equipped to spy on the soviets, but the cat got hit by a taxi and died instead.

(Why the fudgenugget would anyone spend that much on a cat?! The only cat I'd spend that on is a Kit Kat...)

Well, there's some interesting animal facts! You got facts? I could use them! And I would be eternally grateful!

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