The Trick Of The Lick... What?...

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After reading the fact, you'll understand, any title I could come up with would be viewed in a dirty way. Or maybe it's just me, in my immaturity...

Just like fingerprints, everyone's tongue is different.


When you commit a crime, DO NOT lick things. I know, it might be hard not to lick the wall or anything, but it could give you away!

Okay, serious for a sec... Every tongue has different imprints. Just like fingerprints. Okay, back to immaturity...

''We can't find any fingerprints, sir!''

''Oh, dear... Okay, check for any tongue prints. Any criminal can't help but lick the wall.''

Or going to the Police Station, to, instead of putting your fingerprints in the system, you put your tongue prints.

''Okay, you want my fingerprints, officer?''

''No, here. Lick this.''


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