Chapter 8: Two Killers Are Worse Than One

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I'm back!!!! Here's chapter 8! Now there will be TWISTEDS that will be revealed here form he past chapters. Don't it as it is. You'll be able to understand better. Enjoy!!!!

Normal POV

The car ride to the ceramic factory was a long ride. Merlin's source was right, so far, they've only travelled for about 5 miles. It felt like forever for Meliodas. He was itching to get out and do some proper detective work than just beating up everyone he can possibly think of who might know Giramore's whereabouts. Silence was in the air. Nobody in the van dared to talk as if they were stuck in their own little world.

"Merlin, how much longer?" Meliodas questioned, he tried his best to hide his impatient tone. But Merlin could see it surfacing.
"Relax Captain. It's only 5 more miles away..." She said as if it wasn't such a big deal. But it was to Meliodas. Who knows what horrible and treacherous things Griamore has done to Elizabeth with these minutes wasted in driving. Meliodas had to contain his anger and frustration and sat down patiently while gripping the dragon sword behind his back. His mind was clouded by the realistic nightmare he had experienced this morning. On a scale of 1 to 10, Meliodas ranked his experience of being kidnapped and tortured around 9/10. But with this situation concerning his past and Elizabeth, this definitely makes a perfect 10/10. Elizabeth was part of his world. With Griamore taking her put of the picture, it was like half of his soul was ripped apart. The demon within him wanted out, he wanted blood but Meliodas tried to hide this wrath of his. There were too many skeletons in his closet, some skeletons that even the other sins didn't know about and will never know.

3 miles of driving, Meliodas was fidgeting his neck tie. The adrenaline was killing him. He wanted out of the van and just run to that factory alone. To keep his mind busy, he dialed Zaratras' number. The phone call was also long. Meliodas kept trying about fifteen times and Zaratras still hasn't answered his calls. The phone keeps beeping, yet no one was picking upon the other line. Meliodas deeply sighed. He thought that maybe Zaratras was busy at the moment. He stared at his phone just waiting for a call from him, still no sign.
"Ugh..fuck it..." He shoved the gadget right back in his pockets. He'll call soon especially with the 30 missed calls he had left for him to answer.



She was broken. Elizabeth was completely broken. She laid on the ground clutching her sore muscles and holding her broken bones. She squeezed her legs shut just to ignore the stinging feeling below her regions. She muffled her crying by effectively biting her lip hard. She will not give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry but that wasn't happening, she felt the need to cry so she did. Elizabeth felt like trash, kidnapped and beaten wasn't bad enough but also getting raped. How is she gonna present herself to Meliodas now? Every girl's dream was to find the love of her life, get married, and raise a family is the him. In Elizabeth's case, she wasn't gonna have those dreams anymore. Not after he stole the most precious item from her. That was for Meliodas, she was gonna give herself to him. A symbol of her love is her purity, but now it's gone. She cried her heart out for her loss........BUT.........That was not gonna stop her from escaping, that was not gonna stop her from giving up, that was not gonna stop her from loving Meliodas. As of now, her life is more important than her purity. If Meliodas loves her for her.....and not for her innocence then that's all that matters. Elizabeth just hopes that reality is in alignment with her expectations.

With all her remaining strength, she pushed her limits and stood up. Elizabeth put both her hands on the wall to keep herself balanced. She ignored the pain on her thighs and legs. It felt like a college fraternity hazing. Her first step made her trip for a moment but she was able to grab the nearest chair to prevent herself from falling. Elizabeth limped her way out of the room. From the corner of the wall she hid, she saw Griamore currently making of what seems to be a human shaped ceramic outline. More like a Chinese Tera cotta figurine. Looks like he was busy, Elizabeth inhaled deeply before making a run for the oh her side of the wall. With her first step, Elizabeth felt the singing feeling on her knee. She didn't dare move but she had to. She was fully exposed to Griamore. He didn't see her yet since his back was facing her and was humming a villainess tune to add insult to injury. Elizabeth quickly moved her other leg to get to the other side of the wall. She felt safe when she arrived there. Now the only thing left is to find the exit. Elizabeth clutched her swollen body parts as made a few twists and turns while limping. The interior was familiar since it was indeed a very old hospital. She would hold unto anything just to catch her breath. No matter how painful it was, she had to keep on moving. Meliodas was working hard on finding her..she can feel it. In that case, she will also work hard on letting him find her by escaping.
"I'm not giving up.....I'm..not gonna stay here....I'm not gonna be the damsel in distress any longer..." Elizabeth chanted to herself over and over as she neared the hospital's lobby. Just when she was about to near the exit, her vision went black.

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