Chapter 13: Everybodys Broken

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Elizabeth's POV

The sound of the church bells rang through the walls. Signaling the start of the wedding. I was very nervous. Here I am in the car gripping my bouquet tight. My heart was beating rapidly. Today is the big day. What if something bad happens to me? What if....what period activates and there might be a red stain behind me?!!? Or maybe my stomach will act weird and thus I gotta stay in the toilet till it stops???? There are so many possibilities that this will go bad.
"Relax Elizabeth. Everything is gonna be okay. Come on breathe in...breathe out...." Melody was with her in the car.
"Eli, you're gonna ruin your make up if you start sweating now..." Elaine was retouching her make-up.
"I'm sorry okay? Today is the big day and I just want everything to be perfect...." Elizabeth put a hand on her chest as she steadied her breathing.
"Trust me. Everything is gonna be perfect. Margaret and Veronica will make sure of it." You see, my sisters didn't sleep at all last night. They had to make sure everything was in place. I think when I arrive at the wedding hall, their make-up won't be enough to cover their eye bags. I tried to relax and breathed in an out.
"Okay...okay, I'm relaxed..."
"Good. Now, show us a smile." Says Elaine as she cupped both my cheeks. I closed my eyes and though of Meliodas. We were gonna start a life together. Just thinking of him and this wedding....I smiled.
"There it is..." Meldy grinned. "I can't wait to call you Mrs. Elizabeth L. Wrath" Meldy hugged Elizabeth. "I'll finally have a sister..." We laughed and giggled until Margaret tapped on the car window.
"'s time..." I was right, the eye bags were clear on her eyes. Not even make up can cover that mark. I didn't let it bother me.
"I'm ready...." Eliane and Meldy were the first ones out. Everyone got into position on who is first to walk down the aisle. A knock on the window startled me. It was Sir Zaratras. He was wearing a tuxedo and a black blow tie.
"May I come in?" I didn't hesitate to let him in.
"Is there something wrong Sir Zaratras?"
"No no..nothing is wrong. I was just checking up on you. How are you doing Elizabeth?"
"Honestly, I'm okay but at the same time I'm not okay. I am so nervous."
"Butterflies in your stomach huh?" He joked around.
"I guess so."
"Well that is normal. Love makes you feel weird..." He gave me a hug. "I give you my blessings on this wedding..." I hugged him back.
"Sir Zaratras, thank you........for everything...." And by that, I meant..everything. His very existence, helping me find Meliodas, ending Dreyfus, and saving me from Grimooris.
"You're welcome." He whispered into my ear before pulling away. "Let's go. The wedding is about to start." Sir Zaratras helped me out of the car since Eliane and Meldy sort of got busy with the arrangements.


There they go. Everyone on the guest list. the ring bearers, the flower girls, the brides maids and men's groom, and many more. It was gonna be my turn soon. Father interlock his arm with mine. "Your mother would be so proud of you Elizabeth...."
"Oh Papa...." I pulled away to hug my Father. Spending most of his life wifeless and raising three kids must have been so hard for him. Now, he gets to see one of his angels grow up and get married.
"I love you Elizabeth..." He kissed my forehead.
"I love you too, Father..." I leaned my head on his chest.
"Now crying yet. The wedding isn't over yet..." He joked. I wiped away a tear from my eyes. We got into position as soon as the double doors opened.

I never dreamt of the day that I would walk down the isle with my Father on my right. But I am now. I wished Mother was on my left holding my arm too. This would have been complete if she was only here with us. Mom, if you're watching me now, I wish you were here with me. A dream that would never come true.  I looked to my sides to see my friends, families, and relatives smiling at me. Love was in the air. Veronica was with the choir, she was the one playing the piano. The song, 'Canon' played from the speakers. I I was flying. Everything was was like heaven. As we reached the altar, Father unhooked his arm and let me pass on. He turned to Meliodas and brought his arm close to me. Meliodas hooked his arm with mine. I smiled at him, the tears were starting to fall. We haven't even said out vows yet. He looked at me with love in his eyes but there was something else hidden in it. I don't know what.
"Elizabeth...." His voice sounded broken. No, he was nervous as I am.
"Meliodas....." We both walked straight to the altar. Facing each other when the music ended.

Nanatsu No Taizai: The Grimooris (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now