16 chapter

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Regina P.O.V.

I was in the bathroom preparing the bath for Emma when Henry came into the bathroom running.
"Mom!" Henry shouted and I ran to him.
"What is it?! What's going on?" I asked squatting in front of him.
"I-i it's ma..." He said starting to cry.
"Henry calm down, whats wrong with your ma?" I asked getting worried.
"W-we were fighting and I said something and-and I wasn't thinking... I'm so sorry mommy" Henry said clutching me and sobbing on my chest.
"Henry what did you say?"
"She said that Daniel wasnt the one here to fix the problems that would appear and-and I told her that the only problem with him leaving was her becoming my mom, and I told her that I hated her... Mommy I swear that's not true i love ma..." henry said sobbing.
"Wh-where's your ma, Henry?"
"I don't know I heard her car turning on and then I came to you" he said still sobbing.
"Okay... I'm gonna call her... Wait here" I said picking my phone and walking out of the room. I dialled Emma's number and it went straight to voicemail.
"Emma... Come on pick up, Henry didn't mean it, you know that he loves you... I love you.... Come back home please..." I said and hung up. I kept trying to call her but it went always to voicemail. It was already dark and Emma wasn't home yet and hadn't returned my calls, I was at the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and my phone start ringing. I picked it up and answer it without looking at the ID caller.
"Regina, it's Ruby... Emma's been in a car crash and is at the hospital."
"What?! I'm on my way!" I said and hung up. I runned to Henry's bedroom and start packing him a bag.
"Henry wake up."
" Is ma home?"
" No sweety, I'm gonna go check on her now, you're going to your grandparents okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Get dressed and meet me downstairs" I said and walked out of the room calling Emma's parents and telling them about the crash. Mary Margaret is going to keep Henry while David is coming with me to the hospital. When henry came downstairs stairs we went to the car and I drove to Emma's parents house. I walked Henry over to the door and David came with me to the hospital.
"Where's Emma Swan?!" I yelled running into the hospital with David following me. I nurse pointed to a door and we went to it. I looked through the window and Emma was on the bed sleeping. Katherine came into the room and I immediately start asking questions.
"How is she? Hows the baby? Are they okay?"
"Regina, please sit down." She said and I did as told and David sat next to me. "The baby is fine, he didnt suffer any injury"
"Oh I'm sorry, I thought you knew..."
"It's okay..." I said with a smile " and Emma?" I asked.
"Well... As for emma the news are not as good. She's in a coma..."
"What?..." I whispered "is she going to be fine?"
"We don't know that... Now, what we'll do is keep Emma alive to give the baby time to grow, and when the time comes we'll induce the labor."
"What do you mean keep her alive?" David asked.
"We're not sure how she would response if we turned off the machines. She could either die or survive."  Katherine said and I felt the air leave my lungs.
"What happens when the baby's born?" David asked.
"We'll see how her body reacts to the labor and we'll go from there." Katherine said and we nodded.
"Can I see her?" I asked and Kat nodded. I got up and went to Emma's room. I sat on the chair that was next to her bed and grabbed her hand. "Emma... Come back to us.... To me..." I said and start crying against her.

3rd person P.O.V.

Regina spent the night at the hospital next to Emma, and David left home to help Mary Margaret with the kids.  When the morning came Ruby entered Emma's room and found Regina sleeping on the couch. She walked over to Regina and gently shook her awake.
"Hi" Regina said quietly.
"Morning, I brought you coffee." Ruby said handing Regina some coffee.
"Thanks... By the way, how did you know about Emma's accident before me?" Regina asked with a frown.
"You see... Me and Kat start dating like 3 months ago and when Emma came into the hospital she called me."
"What? I thought you were dating that girl from New York."
"Yeah I was.... She turned out to be a bitch..." Ruby said. "David called, he said that Henry is asking for both Emma and you."
"Im gonna call David and ask him to bring Henry over he needs to know what happen.... And we need to have a conversation about your relationship with Kat and why she hasn't told me about it." Regina said with a chuckle and Ruby nodded and chuckle too. Regina called David and after lunch he brought Henry over to the hospital. He came running into the room and immediately went to Emma's bed.
"I'm so sorry ma, I swear I love you so much... Please forgive me... Please don't leave me..." Henry said sobbing into Emma's chest. Regina watch Henry and her heart broke. "When is ma going to wake up?" Henry asked Regina.
"I don't know sweety... But as soon as the doctors have some news they will contact us." Regina said and Henry nodded.
"Is the baby okay?" Henry asked Regina.
"Yes, would you like to know if you're having a baby sister or brother?" Regina asked and Henry nodded with excitement. "Well... You're having a baby brother." Regina said smiling.
"Yes! I knew it!" Henry yelled and Regina could help but laugh. They spend the whole afternoon at the hospital and when dinner time was getting close Regina decided to take Henry home.
"Come on, I'm gonna take you to your grandparents."Regina said getting up and heading to the door.
"What? What about you?"
"I'm going to stay here with ma."
"Then I'm staying with you!" Henry said crossing his arms.
"Henry no, you need to go home you have school tomorrow."
"But I want to stay with you!" Henry whined and Regina sigh.
"Fine, then we are not staying here. We'll go home and I'll come back here tomorrow after taking you to school." Regina said and walked over to Emma's bed leaning and kissing her forehead. "Goodnight, Emma. I love you." Regina said and Henry walked over to his mom and also gave her a kiss and said his goodbye. Henry and Regina walked over to her car and drove back to the mansion. When they got there, Daniel's car was parked in their drive way.

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