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*trigger warning;self harm, panic attack*

Rose ran to her room and sank to her knees. Her Grandma was her life. She was the one who was there through everything. And now she was gone.


Rose screamed and clawed at her face. She pulled on her hair, wanting nothing more than the floor to open up and swallow her. Never did she think her life could get worse than this. 

The girl shakily reached up and got the box from her bed. Her hands steadied as she lit a match and watched the flickering light. The flame crept slowly down the slim stick of wood. Rose gave a small gasp as she lowered the fire to her skin. It stung like Hell. Her skin screamed out, but she didn't stop. When the match had burned out Rose struck another and held her fingertips above the glowing light. 

Rose had been doing this ever since she was eight. It calmed her. And it made her feel like everything would be all right.

Something the girl didn't understand was why her parents had to die in that fire. Why did she live, a useless six year old, while her innocent parents died?

Rose picked at the raw patch on her arm. This was how her parent had felt. They had burned alive. It was only fair that she suffered too.

Rose was startled by the front door opening and slamming shut. Light footprints sprinted up the stairs and her door flew open. John rushed in and wrapped his arms around the shaky girl. he pulled away after a few seconds and studied the girl's face. They were both teary-eyed and their small worlds were slowly unraveling. All Rose had left was John.

"Rosie... i-" John barely spoke before the girl had cut him off.

"No, John. No...

It won't be okay."

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