Chapter 2

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I sat in the chair waiting for him to come back. When he came back I talked him throught the design i wanted. I wanted the tatoo on my lower back and i wanted a love heartt with my 3 best friends names inside it and Harley's name in a smaller heart next to it.

In the needle went. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh", i screamed, and threw up all over the poor man.        "Hold still", he said. So i did, after 15 minutes of pure torture it was done. "Can I see it", i asked the man. "I'm afraid not", the man said, "I'll have to put a plaster over it but after 5 day's you can take the plaster off".

 "Ok", i replied. And went to pay. "That'll be £50", the man asked. I thought it sounded too cheap but i wasn't going to say so, so i gave him the money and left the shop.

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