Chapter 5

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"I'm sure it'll be fine", Harley said, "Just stick a fresh plaster on".

So I walked to the kitchen and put on a fresh plaster.                                                                             

"Got any booze", Harley asked. "Sure", I said, pointing to the cabinet at the side of the room.

He walked over and got 2 cans of Stella.                                                                                                

 "Not for me thanks", i said.

"Aww go on try a bit", he replied.

So I did.

And after that I drank more and more and more ...............................


**** i woke to the sound of my mother.

I opened my eyes and saw Harleys face blurred and worried, my mothers angry.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?", mum yelled.

"You disobeyed me and let Harley come round and then you go and drink yourself to death, I don't know you anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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