chapter 10

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n// hey guys!! sorry for bothering you but if you could all vote for this story in thecharacterawards "original character awards; voting" for "fan favorite brother and sister duo" that would be amazing!!! angel and lucy are my favs and i really want them to win lolololol so if you could please take a moment and vote for them it would mean the world to me!!!! thank you, and i hope you enjoy the chapter :))

"Eight months ago," Elijah began after all the supernatural beings in the vicinity had calmed down, all of them now sitting in a nice little room. "Sophie Deveraux and her sister Jane-Anne lost everything. Now, four months after that, a young pregnant girl wanders into their restaurant. Suddenly, all hope is renewed. Jane-Anne actually sacrificed her life so that her sister could use you to find Davina. If Sophie Deveraux is successful in capturing Davina, she can return Jane-Anne's daughter back to life. We thought we'd come here to wage a war for power... This is about family. In order to return her niece to life, Sophie Deveraux will fight to the death, and that makes her more dangerous than anyone."

"Well why can't pretty boy over here just touch her and bring her back to life?" Rebekah asked, looking at the platinum boy as he already had his eyes trained on her.

"You think I'm pretty?" He asked in return, smiling sweetly.

"Because it's not what he does," Lucy answered for him instead. "Our father and mother designed us to do two things: give and take. He can't just bring anyone back to life―"

"Except Jesus!" Angel chimed in. "But that was an executive order from the bossman himself, if you know what I mean."

"―he mainly kind of just deals with the whole pregnancy thing."

"But people come back to life all the time," Klaus rolled his eyes, sprawled out on a leather chair, glaring at the angel. "They die for a few minutes, and then they come back. Were those executive orders as well?"

"No, those people weren't really dead."

"I can assure you that they were."

"They were in between." Angel rolled his eyes. "Look. There are seven billion people on this earth, okay? Most likely more. You think Lucy and her little sky of demons can reach all of them in an instant? No. They have to be taken away. If they don't get there in time and there's someone who gets them out of that state, like a doctor, then they continue on living. Simple as that. But I cannot just bring someone back to life. That goes against the very laws of nature. Haven't we been over this already?"

"Still weirded out about the fact that there are two holy beings in the room that I can't even see," Hayley spoke up, eyes wide. "To me it looks like you're all insane."

"At this rate, I'm going to be just that very soon, little wolf." Klaus glowered. "Come on. It's late, and we all need rest if we are to deal with this Deveraux scandal."

And with that, the Original and the pregnant lady walked out of the room and off to their bedrooms, with a soft goodnight from Lucy.

"Well, then." Rebekah sighed, standing up and patting her thighs. "If you lot are going to be protecting the bun in her oven, you might as well stay here for a while."

Looking at Angel, she smiled a little bit, earning a charming smirk in return.

"For protection, of course."

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