The Void Feline

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Billions of years ago, when Gallifrey was nothing but a small planet, t'was a creature that was the personification of Time and Space itself. It would crack the very fabric of reality just to hop from planet to planet, looking for a place to call home. It resembled that of a feline, colored dark. its body resembled that of a midnight sky, with little bits of galaxy like colors shining through. Its eyes were colorless, but bright. It was the most powerful creature in the whole of creation at that time.

And then it found Gallifrey. Not the Gallifrey you and I know of, dear time tot, a different Gallifrey. Long before Romana, long before Omega, long before Rassilon or the Timelords. The creature found Gallifrey and thought it a nice place to stay, so stay it did. It stayed for all eternity in its new home and watched silently as the first Gallifreyans started to emerge, and the first civilization started to form. It did not mind, it thought these new lifeforms rather interesting, and so very smart. The void feline, to avoid anybody finding it, hid in the sky. It disguised itself as the night sky, making itself even darker than before and made its body give off the illusion of stars. No Gallifreyan has ever noticed it since it first hid, and it continued to stay that way for centuries. During the day, it would leave, often hiding in the Untempered Schism as 8 year old Gallifreyans had their ceremony. It often liked to play tricks on the poor Gallifreyans as they were already nervous enough. It would swirl its body with the colors of the universe, painting shapes and pictures for one to see when they stared. To scare them it would make the swirl break and often the one who witnessed this would be so frightened, they would run away! The feline thought of this, amusing. It did help the planet however, when Rassilon took to power and found the creature, he dubbed it important as it was Time and Space made living. The void feline was then promoted to helping with the ceremony of a Timelord, its job was to grant permission, to see if one is worthy of being a Timelord. And according to the High Council, the void Feline has remained in that position ever since. 

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