The Sixth Member (1D)

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A/N: Someone told me to write a One Direction story with a "sixth" member in it - so here it is >.<

"One Direction is now a six membered band!"

"One Direction's new addition!"

"Cute, sexy - or just plain hawt? 1D's newest band member picture's here!"

"One Direction's newest band member, good or bad choice?"


"Newest band member Declan Dawson show's us his abs!"

I spit my hot chocolate all over some random guy next to me on the bus as I stared at my phone - at the shirtless photo in horror, "OI!"

"Sorry, I need to jet." I dropped a napkin on the guy to clean him self up with before I jumped off of the bus and hurried towards the recording studio.

"Excuse me, sorry, excuse me - sorry." I stumbled to the door's and tried to get past security, but they decided to be a pain the in the butt and tried to keep me out of the building - that was until I showed them my I.D.

"Sorry." they stared at me with wide eyes as I hurried towards the studio I knew 1D was performing in.

I kicked the burst through the door and stared around the place as everyone in the room stared at me in shock, "You mister, have some explaining to do!" I grabbed onto Declan's shirt and pulled him to me so our noses touched.

"Oh - uh, ha ha... didn't expect to be seeing you here-"

"How could you just join a band and not tell me?! I'm your twin you idjit!" I thumped him on the head as I let him go and put my hands on my hips, "Well talk Thumbelina." I waited for him to answer.

"Who's this Declan?"

"This is my twin, Alex." Declan grumbled.

"Thanks for the enthusiasm, jerk." I narrowed my eyes at him.




"Person who broke their thumb by wanking." I smirked at him and his face reddened.

"I wasn't-"

"Uh-ha, you were just in your room, you door locked and lotion all over you."


"He was jacking off." I whispered to the guy next to me.

"I was thirteen - can't you just let it go?!" Declan yells at me.

"Nope, I don't think I ever will Boy Band boy."

"For the love of god." he throws his hands up into the air before someone steps next to him.

"Who's this exactly?" the guy stares at me with a blank expression.

Declan sighs as he stands next to me, "Prepare for trouble," he stared at the guy as I grinned like a child on Christmas day.

"Make it double,"

"To protect the world from devastation!" Declan yells - guess we're both remembering Halloween back in '05, ha?

"To untie all the people within our nation!" we glanced at each other - both of us knowing we were freaking out his new band people.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach for the stars" I smirked at the group of boys who stared at Declan and I in shock.


"Alex," I smirked.

"Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight" Declan and I were shoulder to shoulder as the guy stared at us in annoyance.

"MEOW THAT'S RIGHT!" someone yelled and the boys chuckled - all but the serious looking fella.

"Who are you?" he jabs his finger at me.

I stepped forward and bowed, "I'm Alex Dawson, Declan's twin sister and the more attractive one-"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Prove it!" Declan yells at me and I grabbed my boobs.

"I don't need to, I have these two." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Oh brother..." he groans.

"Hi, I'm-"

"NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. FIRST RULE OF ME BEING HERE - NO ONE DATES MY TWIN!" Declan yells at the boys and wraps his arms around me protectively.

"Same goes for Declan."

"... We're not gay-"

"I know, it's just in case any of you get any idea's of dressing Declan up like me to date me. Just like that time when-" Declan slaps a hand over my mouth.

"They don't need to know EVERYTHING about me Alex" Declan hisses and I grinned, time to get back at my brother for losing my kitten - it's time for him to pay. And to pay he shall, with his new credibility with his band mates, that I will be sure to tell them every embarrassing thing he's ever done in his life time.

I love being a twin. It's brilliant.

"Wait - I know you." I looked over to the serious looking guy as he stared at me with narrowed eyes.

"Your the lead singer of that stupid band, aren't you?"

"Stupid? Now I remember the reason my band and I turned down your contract."

"Alex, don't do anything stupid..." Declan mutters.

"Wait - what?"

"She's a singer?"

"The singing twin's?"

"Why would she turn Simon down?"

"Because he wanted me to go out with some guy called Harry Styles for fame," everyone went silent and I looked around in confusion, "What?"

"Alex, meet my band. Liam Payne, Louis Tomlison, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Harry Styles." Declan awkwardly clear's his throat and I stand there for  a moment.

"... Well this is fucking awkward."

The Sixth Member (1D)Where stories live. Discover now