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Anakin put his lights and sirens on, so they could speed to the hospital, Ahsoka had called and alerted the doctors and nurses that they were coming with a boy that needed immediat attention and help. Kanan held Ezra in his arms, trying to keep him awake "come on need to stay awake, just a little longer" he whispered, combing his fingers through the teens hair " and tired" he kid mumbled "I know...just a little longer, we're nearly at the hospital". Hera rubbed the boys back whilst Sabine and Zeb watched with worried eyes "will he be okay?" the girl asked but not getting a great reply "I...I don't know Sabine...I really don't know" Hera stated as tears came to her eyes, Zeb hugged the youngest teen girl who began to cry aswell "he's a strong kid, stubborn too...he's not gonna let a stupid fever keep him down" the man stated earning nods in agreements.

Finally, after what felt like forever, they reached the hospital. Anakin quickly stopped outside of the building to let Hera and Kanan out, then went to park up. The man and woman ran inside, Ezra still his foster fathers arms, there were a crew of doctors and nurses ready with a mobile bed "Ezra Bridger?" on of them asked earning nods "put him on the bed". Kanan did as asked before the boy was wheeled into a different area of the hospital, the doctors and nurses surrounding him to do check ups. Kanan and Hera weren't allowed to go with him, although they really wanted too, they sat in the waiting room, Hera leaning against her boyfriend. They were both silent and neither of them liked it " least we got him back and he;s safe" Hera stated with a small smile but Kanan didn't move "Kanan? What's wrong dear?" she asked, The man sighed "we may have gotten him back but...we'll lose him again" this confused his girlfriend "the police will find Tseebo Kanan, he won't take Ezra again...we'll make sure of it" jhe still didn't move "this...this isn't about Tseebo, is it??" h stayed silent "please talk to me Kanan".

Kanan looked at the woman he loved and sighed "I'm sorry Hera, it's just...we just got him back and now...his parents are gonna take him away again" so that was what was wrong " don't know for sure that Ezra will go, his parents can't just take him, we've got legal custody of him...and it's Ezra's decision" the man sighed again "I know...but what kid doesn't want to be with their parents?? Ez'll surely go with them" Hera smiled confusing the man "have hope Dear, without it...we have nothing". She had a point...and was right, like usual "you're right...I'm sorry, I'm just...scared, I don't want to lose him...I don't want to lose our son" the woman's eyes widened for a second before they softened and she smiled, she hugged her boyfriend "we'll never lose our son Kanan, ever...even if he does go to Australia". The two smiled at each other before they saw the other run trough the door "where's Ezra?!" Sabine asked, Hera explained "the doctors took him away when we come in" they sat down "how long do you think they're gonna be?" Zeb asked worried for his little brother "I don't know...but the longer they're with Ezra means they're helping him" they smiled at what Kanan said.

Two hours later and the doctor that was looking after Ezra came out "Ezra Brigder?" she called out, they all stood up "we're Ezra's foster parents" Hera stated as they shook her hand "I'm Doctor Carter". Kanan spoke "how is he?" the doctor smiled "we gave him some painkillers for the headache, we cleaned his head injury, given his some tablets for the food poisoning, and right now he's sleeping, was exhausted the poor thing.... his fever will take some time to go down but we've managed to get it under control" she informed, they all sighed of relief. "How long until his fever will be gone??" Ahsoka asked "we're gining his some fever redusers so hopefully it will be gone in two days time, one if the medication isn't thrown up again thanks to the food poisoning, he said that the Tseebo guy gave him a dodgy McDonald's, probably from a bin" they cringed and were even more angry wioth Tseebo for also feeding the teen binned food. "Can we go see him?" Kanan asked earning a nod "sure, just try not to wake him, he needs to rest, and only a few at a time, one of you can stay with him over night" and with that, Doctor Carter went to do something.

They went to the room they were told Ezra was in "we better get going, we're gonna try to find Tseebo" Ahoska stated, her and Anakin said goodbye and left. "I'm gonna nip to the shop over there, get us some drinks and snacks" Sabine said, Zeb spoke "I'll go with you" so they went. Kanan and Hera took a breath before opening the door, they quietly walked over to the bed, Ezra was lay on his back, fast asleep "he looks so peaceful" Hera whispered, her bofriend agreed. They sat on either side of the boy, Kanan began to comb his fingers through the boys hair who melted into the touch. They just sat like that, in silence, watching the ill sleeping boy. Sabine and Zeb walked through, two bags in hand "what the hell did you buy?" Hera asked with a slight laugh "drinks, snacks, magazies, notepad, colours and a bottle of deodrent for Ez" the chuckled. All of a sudden, a voice spoke "I don't smell that bad" it was Ezra!! "hey Ez, how you feeling?" Hera asked with a smile "better but still bad, how you all?" he asked as he pushed himselt up. It amazed them how even in the hospital, the young boy still worried about them and thought of them "we're fine Ez, better now that you're back with us, safe" Kanan stated with a smile. They told Ezra what the doctor had told them, told him how they serched and how they finally found him "surprised m parents remembered that cabin in the woods, that was years ago" he smiled at the memories "talking of which...where are my parents?" he asked, Zeb expalined how there wasn't enough space in the car so they said they're meet them "I thought they'd be here by now though?" Hera stated.

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