Graphic Designer Bio: LavendarEyes

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Say hello to our lovely graphic designer and admin, LavendarEyes

Say hello to our lovely graphic designer and admin, LavendarEyes

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1. What is your favorite color?

My favourite colour is green!

2. What is your favorite animal?

I don't really have a favourite animal, but I'd say for it to maybe be a fox? I've always wanted one, and hope to get one in the future. Mythical? Possibly a dragon, I suppose.

3. What is your favorite genre of books?

My favourite genre of books is close calls between Romance, Science Fiction, Poetry and Fantasy. I certainly cannot choose!

4. What is your favorite book? (print or Wattpad)

My favourite book currently has got to be from the top of my head right now as I try to look at my shelf is the Dark is maybe maybe The Girl On the Train? Not sure.

5. What made you love reading/writing?

As a child I always wanted to be a writer but never really thought about it until I had lost all access to the Internet for over 6 months, that's where I planned, created, and wrote as well and finished my first ever book. As cringe as it was, I carried on.

Reading? I've always been a child who read, I read a lot and I just have a desire to love it.

6. What made you want to be apart of Wattpad?

I became a part of Wattpad during July in 2013, it was discovered by a friend of mine, who notified me about certain books I could read on there. And ever since I've wanted to be a huge part of the community :)

7. What are some tips you can give to fellow readers and writers?

To the fellow readers, keep reading, books are words of wisdom, knowledge, and comfort. You will never lose that access, and just stay as imaginative and carefree as you Are! To the writers, continue writing, you'll get somewhere in the long run I promise. It's amazing how black and white can create such colourful things.

8. Do you get mood swings while reading and/or writing? How?

Nope, I do not get mood swings while reading or writing. Only a headache or strain of eyes from reading way too much in a day, or writers block and frustration!

9. Is there a type of character you love or hate? Why?

The type of characters I tend to hate are usually the typical Starbucks girls, it's overused in my opinion and it would be nicer for the male gender to be more of the main in a novel. Something different.

10. Any inspiring words or quotes?

To be or not to be, it's what you make of it on the way

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