Chapter 10- Getting to know Lucas

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Getting to know Lucas

True enough, Lucas is in my biology class though he is seated at the backmost back wearing a black hoodie and he kept his head down throughout the entire class he didn't raise his head up once.

"Psst" I turned my head to see MJ looking at me

"Why are you staring at him?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are my girlfriend, you can only stare at me" he huffed

"Am not staring at him and its not like we are in a loving relationship" gosh. The guy is annoying though to be sincere, maybe I was staring at Lucas a little bit.

"Yeah that's right he's a weirdo and do you really have to bring that up?"


"The poor boy can't speak" MJ said with pity

"Excuse me?" I asked almost laughing

"Miss Thornton, I will have to ask you to keep quiet" Mr Harris said

"Yes sir" I replied glumly determining not to speak to MJ again in class


It is lunch period and am busy running after my classmate, the elusive Lucas. After the biology class, I thought I will get to talk to him but the moment I finished packing my books, he was gone. The same thing happened during Physics and I didn't even pack my books then.

Apparently Lucas didn't go for lunch today because he wasn't in the cafeteria at all and I am determined to talk to him and who knows, be friends with him.

I walked down the hall, going towards the bathroom when I saw Daniel the school bully (not that he's bullying me) harass someone

"Do you like that, fag" Daniel said to whomever it is he's harassing

"Please just stop" the person replied the voice was weak

And the I heard the unmistakable sound of punches and I froze

"Say you are sorry" he whispered to me

"Am sorry now leave me alone"

"Awwww, I've only started with you" Derek said hitting me again

"Please. What exactly do you want, why are you doing this?" I asked confused

"I want you to cry, I want you to scream, I want you to fight back so I can hit you again, I want you to die"

I shook the bad memory away. I've been bullied a lot in my former school I won't let someone else be bullied in my presence

"Leave him alone you idiot" I shouted at Daniel catching him kicking his victim who is already curled on the floor in a fetal position

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