Cole's POV(Cupcake)
My head hurts so bad, how much did I drink last night? I cant believe they just let you have liquor in prison, although I don't remember why I'm here anyway. Man I wish Kaliegh would give the signal already, these people are retarded and mean. "DINNER" The guards yelled through the hall. Our dinner was worse than that school food we had to eat back in middle school. "Hey what's for today? Its not that nasty Chinese food is it?" I asked my cell mate I then picked up my flask and a bottle of rum and chugged them both at the same time.
"Joe" I called the guard who was going to help us out. "What's up cupcake?" He said. " First stop calling me that, second give this message to Kaliegh for me." I handed him the note with our secret code on it so only us five friends could read it. On the note it read ' When are you gonna sound the alarm?-C ' Almost as soon as I sent it, Joe came back with another note. On her note it read ' soon cupcake, soon. Im sending messages to everyone.-K'