Desroying The Tower

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  We were bording the plane as we got stoped by a policeman. Summer was scared so, she took his tazer and tazed him.It was quite funny and he was not, by any means, ready.  "Let's go now! Cole your driving. No one else know how to fly this thing. " Jules ordered. "Summer what the hay is going on!" I yelled.  "Hey you guys know that I went to prison right? " Summer said stuttering nervously. "Well, I kinda jacked the Buckingham Palace." She sounded like she did more but we just left it. "YOU WHAT?!?!?!?" Everyone shouted, but I don't know why they were so surprised. Summer has done the least damage of us all. Summer was the co pilot of the plane. "Cole pull up." Summer said calmly, "I said pull up."She said a little louder and finally she started yelling were were 200 feet away from the Eiffel tower, and Cole, being drunk, went down. We crashed into the Eiffel tower and now there was a big chunk missing out of the side.

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