Fuckin' Perfect

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  • Dedicated to Lovril

She's a badass. She's the silly, edgy, and sassy girl version of me.She's beautiful and everything I need.I gazed at her lovingly when Harry snickered at me, knocking me out of my daydream.

"Dude, go ask her out," Niall said, giving me a It's-Not-That-Hard look.

"A-a-a-r-r-e-e you crazy....I-I-I c-can't....she's has a boyfriend and she's one of my best friends," I stuttered, sighing slightly at the end.She's so beautiful and I couldn't even talk about her so how was I going to actually talk to her about my feelings.

"You don't ask her out, I will," Liam, Zayn, and Niall chimed in union, then staring at eachother in confusion."We all like Avril?," I asked, a disappointed glint in my eyes.The boys, execpt for Harry, nodded before gazing at Avril.We all studied her peirecing blue eyes, her green and pink high lights in her hair, and her brilliant glow that made her look like a goddess.My goddess.

I knitted my eyebrows mixed emotions shining in my eyes as I watched Avril's boyfriend, Derek, walk up to her.I told Avril he was no good for her but he didn't listen.He kissed her on the cheek before taking her hand.I couldn't watch anymore, so I muttered a goodbye to the boys and walked towards my first classroom.

I hurried towards the class and sat down pulling out a paper so I could write a song:

"I feel everything from hate to love, from love to lust, from lust to truth.I guess that's how I know you

Kiss me like you want to be loved, want to be loved, want to to be loved.This feels like falling in love, falling in love, falling in love."

I was so engrossed in my song and feelings, I didn't notice the shadow hovering over me.

"Nice song, Tomlinson, I like it," Avril said before giving me a smile and walking away.I sat still frozen in shock at Avril's compliment. She, she, she...like the song I wrote for her .It's not excatly finished, but still. My heart thudded nervously in my chest as Mrs.Breno started the lesson. I tried hard to pay attention but the only music I could her was my song for Avril.

Before I knew it, Mrs.Breno had dimissed class, and Avril was standing in front of my desk. " What time can you come over?," Avril asked, her blue eyes flickering with excitement.

"Huh?," I asked, feeling and sounding stupid.

"Mrs.Breno annouced that we have to work together on a song-,"

I resisted the urge to smile when I realized Avril was still talking.

"-with Harry...and we have to perform it for our crush since Valentine day is near....so I figured you guys could come over to my house. When can you come over?," Avril asked and my smile twitched. I didn't want Avril to know I was disappointed, so I faked my smile.

"I'll come over at 5 if that's okay," I replied and she nodded.

"Okay, see you there," Avril said smiling at me, before walking out. I packed up my stuff, and followed Avril out of the classroom. Walking towards my math class, I noticed that Harry and Avril were walking together. Frowning, I walked a bit closer to them.

"So, what song do you think I should sing....I mean we've got to write three songs. Like one for you, one for Louis, and one for me. Maybe Louis can sing the song he wrote," Avril said.

"What song?"

"The one he was writing in the beginning off Mrs.Breno's class.Here let me sing you a piece of it."


"Babe!," Derek called interrupted them.I watched as Derek caught up to Avril and kissed her. I blew out air like I've been punched in the gut.I hurried away from them and towards my math class.

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