Chapter 2: Prison

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Author's note:  From now on I will be writing in the First-Person! :D  I am now Scout, k? Cool!

I arose to the sound of clanging on my cell.  This was no surprise to me, after being tortured, half-starved, and contained one starts to lose his sense of fear.  Three months had passed since the day that my life was ruined.  I could only hope that my parents had gotten out in time.

"Hey! Lets go Twig!"

I sighed.  Twig had been my name after a couple weeks of them attempting to get information through starving me.  I knew they wouldn't kill me, but that didn't mean they wouldn't put me through as much discomfort as humanly possible just to get what they wanted.  I still had absolutely no idea who was responsible for the "Baseball Massacre", as it was called when I saw the article in a newspaper.  Apparently the Prison Psychologists thought it would be a good idea to emotionally break me by giving me a copy.

I arose and walked out the steel door, waiting for customary shove that the guard thought made him tough.  If only I had my bat... I kept thinking to myself day after day.  But it was long gone and I knew that.

As we walked down the stone walkway I saw other prisoners, some big, some small, some stocky, some fat, some slender, and some brauny.  The only connection that they seemed to have with me and with each other was the clothing.  We all had some kind of blue clothing, although ragged, was clearly visible.  The guards decided there was no need to give us a clean pair of new clothes to wear.

We continued down the long and narrow hallway until we reached another iron door.  The gaurd punched in a security code, which I memorized on the spot with relative ease, and we continued on.  These next few days were critical to my escape plan, so I soaked in all the details I could about where we were and where we were going.  I memorized camera locations and angles, doors and places where gaurds frequently walked.  I memorized places that might be good for hiding too.

The gaurd led me to a much bigger and more advanced-looking door and another gaurd joined him.  Togther they slid black, sleek security cards through two separate slots at the same time in order to unlock it.

"Gaurd 159 here, with prisoner 7", the gaurd spoke clearly to the monitor.  It opened with a whir and, for the second time that hour, was shoved inside the room...

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