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    My feet swayed under me as I stumbled to the rusty railing that held me back from the hundred something foot drop. I didn't care anymore. I looked back as my lover's shadow disappeared into the city lights and sobbed, holding the railing like it was my lifeline, connecting me to this terrible world. My body shook violently as tears soaked my face, shirt, and the ground in front of me. I thought back to the words used in the argument that had caused our abrupt break up. "Worthless." . "Whore" . "Bitch" . "Selfish" . "Loner" . "Depressed" . Some of those words were from my own mind, some were from the argument, some came from past guilt.  I could feel the pressure of all of my bad experiences building up, slowly cracking the dam I had built in my mind to keep them at bey. It broke. I waited for my tears to get worse and sure enough my vision blurred. Even yet, I stopped the melt down. I wiped my bloodshot eyes and looked down at the ocean below. I climbed the railing, reliving every bad experience. Just as I was about to let go, fear swept over me and I gripped the railing, turning around to face the city again. My breath was rapid and shaking as my pulse quickened. I got ready to climb back over when there was a creaking noise. I held my breath until I saw him. My baby.. He was running back over to me, eyes wide. "No! Hon, please! Don't do it! I love you I swear!"  Tears came running back down on my face and my breath hitched when I heard- SNAP!  The railing failed me and tumbled past me as I screamed and fell, my voice hoarse from sobbing earlier.My lifeline had broken off. I saw his hands skid to the edge of the cliff and reach down for me, but I was already gone. Too far down to receive assistance. 

     My body slammed into the waves that crashed along the rugged cliff. I gasped for air just before my head went under and tried my hardest to swim back up. Back to the surface, back to my lover, baby, honey, sweetie, cake face, dufus, idiot, adorable, hilarious, amazing person I was engaged to. My hair floated in front of my face, blocking my view of the light as everything got darker around me. I felt a vibration and suddenly, there was a body against mine. I wrapped my arms around their chest, grabbing at everything desperately. I faced them and realized it was him. He had jumped in to die with me, or possibly, save me.  Just this fact made me want to hug him and descend into death's palace. I watched as he grabbed at the water, attempting to swim up. I grabbed his arm and held him as we drifted, moving like jello. He looked up at me as bubbles fell from his mouth. I nodded. I could tell we were both almost out of oxygen. With everything growing darker, I brought my face down to his and kissed him. Just the touch made me feel like an electric eel, my spine shivering as he put his hands around my hips and I put my hands in his drifting hair. Fish scales flashed in and out of sight. Silver. Green. Blue. Yellow. We both knew if we ended it we wound die. We also knew we would die anyways, so, we held onto each other, staying in the kiss, as my body shut down. I flashed in and out of consciousness, still in the kiss. Then, suddenly, I could feel everything stop and go into a black so dark, it was indescribable. But, hey

  At least, we held on as long as we could

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