Chapter 3 - The Cullens

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while but thanks to one extraordinary reader I think I have an idea for this story but I wouldn't want to take all the credit so thank you ForestA2000
Please everybody go follow them. Okay now on with Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

"Cullen?" I asked curiously getting up off of him.
"Yes," he responded chuckling to himself, "why do you seem so confused?"
"Oh no reason it's just a really interesting name," I muttered trying not to blush.
"Well okay." There was a long pause. "This is awkward," he whispered.
"Kaydence Swan," I blurted out loudly.
"Huh?" He looked up at me in confusion and I face palmed at how awful I was at conversing with other people.
"My name... my name is Kaydence Swan."
"Oh," he exclaimed, "well it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Swan."
"Ditto, Mr Cullen."
He gave out an almighty laugh before pulling me into a big, bear hug. I became rigid as soon as he touched me. Ugh this was so awkward.
"We're going to be such good friends. I just know it, Kaydence."
As I tried to remove myself from the hug I noticed a blonde girl standing not to far away and by the look on her face she wasn't happy with the interaction between Emmett and I.
"Emmett...." I gasped barely able to breathe with how tight he is squeezing me, "Let... Go!"
As soon as he heard those words he let go. I stood there awkwardly looking at the ground until finally I heard a soft voice speak to me.
"What's your name?"
I looked up to find the blonde girl standing in front of me, her arms wrapped around Emmett's waist. 

"Kaydence," I stated trying to seem as confident as possible. She was beautiful and you could tell just by the way she spoke that she was a powerful woman. 

"I'm Rosalie... Emmett's GIRLFRIEND!" she introduced putting an emphasis on 'girlfriend'. I, for the second time that day, burst into laughter. It was crazy to believe that Rosalie felt threatened by ME. The couple stared at me like I had to heads and it just caused me to laugh even harder. 

"I'm... Not... Interested," I told her will giggling. She looked down in shame and Emmett looked down at her confused about what just happened. 

"She thought I was trying to get with ya," I cleared up and a look of realization made itself present on his face. I looked beyond them and found that Riley was waving me over. 

"Goodbye," I stated suddenly causing them to jump from the sudden sound of my voice. They were just about to responded when I jogged around them and towards Riley. 

"Hey, Girl."

"Hey, Kay."

"Let's eat!" I exclaimed. Everybody in the cafeteria turned in my direction and I saluted them before plonking down on the seat in front of me. 

"You're nuts," Riley muttered, "I love it." 

For the rest of lunch we just sat there together talking about everything from our favourite animal to our least favourite pizza topping. Luckily for the rest of the day we had the same classes and they practically went the same as lunch. Just us sitting together, chatting completely ignoring the world around us. 

It was now the end of school and as I was making my way towards Bella I noticed her staring at a mysterious guy with pale skin and auburn hair. As I approached Bella I could feel eyes on me and after searching for a while I noticed it was the guy Bella was staring at. I gave him and big grin and wave but halfway through I noticed his eyes. Not because he was glaring at me but due to the fact he too had the same eyes as Dr Cullen, Emmett and Rosalie. I was even more confused when Emmett and Rosalie approached him with another girl and boy following. When they felt my eyes on them they all turned in my direction to and I could help but gasp. The other two also had the same eyes. All I could think was how could that be possible. 

Bella soon got into her car after she noticed me standing not even a metre away from her. I could tell she was a little pissed off and I assumed the only reason she noticed me was because she followed the guy's eyes which were fixated on me. I wouldn't be surprised if she was mad about me getting more attention then her. For the whole ride home she didn't utter a single word to me. I didn't really care though, I was off in my own little word. A world full of the Cullens. I still couldn't wrap my head around how they all had the same eye colour and complexion when I was told at lunchtime by Riley that the Cullens were all adopted and not even related in the slightest. She told me that the family was consisted of eight people, Dr Cullen, Emmett, Rosalie, which i already knew about and Jasper, Alice, Edward and Esme. Esme was Carlisle's sister who was adopted at a very young age by his late parents. Due to the fact she was adopted it made sense why Carlisle decided to adopt instead of have his own family naturally, plus he was a doctor and that required a lot of dedication so he probably didn't have the time.

I was suddenly pulled out of my daydream when Bella screamed. I looked out the window just in time to see a car coming straight towards us. I grabbed the steering wheel and yanked it causing the car to swerve off the road and into the forest. I gasped as within seconds we smashed into a huge pine tree. I looked over at Bella and noticed that her head was hanging down blood seeping out in a slow trickle. 

As I went to reach for her I screamed out due to a sharp pain going through my stomach. As soon as I looked down I regretted it. A large shard of glass from the windscreen was sticking out of my stomach. I started to feel light headed and before I knew it everything went black. Though just before it did I saw a glimpse of the golden eyes that were haunting my mind not even five minutes earlier. 

A/N: Thank you for reading :)

-*- RavenclawGirl2001-*-

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