Chapter 6

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Over the following days, Sasuke noticed Naruto's mood varying widely. One minute he was grinning and filling him in on all the happenings of the village over the past few years, and the next he was staring thoughtfully at the wall, quiet and sad. More than once, Sasuke thought Naruto wanted to bring up something more serious, but his fears would soon be laid to rest and silence would come to reclaim the room. But gradually, Naruto's strength began returning, as did the Kyuubi's and keeping him resting and in bed became increasingly difficult.

"I am soooo bored," Naruto whined for the what seemed like the trillionth time.

"Like I care," was Sasuke's typical response, only this time, it wasn't working.

"Come on. I feel like this room is closing in on me. And, being stuck in here for days with only you for company is driving me crazy."

With dangerously narrowed eyes, Sasuke stared out the window he was currently perched in. Over the past few days he'd practically had to sit on Naruto to keep him in bed. It was either that or bribery, promising him that if he stayed still he'd get ramen with his meal. But even those tricks were starting to loose their efficacy. And, although he liked being with Naruto, some away time would do them both a world of good.

As Sasuke continued trying to ignore the windbag laying in bed, he noted a pink shot of color walking towards their apartment and sent up a silent prayer of thanks that Sakura was finally on her way.

"Sakura's coming," Sasuke said, voice completely devoid of the relief he was feeling.

Sitting up in bed, Naruto's face broke out into a wide grin. "Sakura-chan?"

Sasuke's relief faded into bitterness as he once again wondered how close the two of them had gotten while he was gone. In all the stories Naruto had told over the past few days, surprisingly few had to do with the girl. "Hopefully she'll give you the all clear and my ears can finally get some peace."

"Shut up, teme. I'm not that loud."

Allowing himself the rare expression of emotion, Sasuke shot Naruto a look of pure disbelief. "Hn. Whatever, idiot."

"-Hey . . . "

Naruto didn't get a chance to finish as Sasuke was already leaving the room and heading for the door. Soon enough, he heard Sakura's voice and his world brightened considerably.

"Hey Naruto, how ya feeling?" It had been a couple of days since she'd seen her friend and it was amazing what those precious hours of healing had done for him. But the realization was bitter sweet, because if Naruto was back to his rapid rate of healing, then it meant the Kyuubi was back to full strength. Pushing that thought down into the deepest recesses of her mind, Sakura plastered a smile on her face as she sat down by her friend.

"Sakura, tell this bastard that I'm doing fine and can get out of bed," Naruto pleaded.

Raising an eyebrow at both of them, she asked, "What? Trouble in paradise?" Behind her, Sasuke twitched, but Naruto just seemed confused. "Paradise? Is that what you'd call living with this arrogant jackass?"

Giggling, she started removing the bandages while muttering a simple, "Never mind." Once they were off, Sakura ran a hand over the almost completely healed wound he'd had just a few short days ago.

"Naruto! Stop squirming," Sakura practically yelled.

Now giggling as well as squirming, Naruto laughed, "I can't, that tickles." Both of them missing the furious look Sasuke was shooting towards Sakura's back. It was all he could do to stand there and not bash her head into the wall.

"God's, your hopeless," Sakura said, the exasperation clear in her voice. But still, her chakra filled hands continued their assault over his body and Naruto squirmed even more. By now, Sasuke was almost to his breaking point. He'd said Naruto was his, but was that true? If Sakura and Naruto really did have something going on . . . how long would he be able to stand by and watch? The answer - not long. And just like that, visions of Sakura's untimely death began filtering through his mind. He was on the third scenario when Naruto said something which immediately erased them all.

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