Chapter 8

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The first thing Sasuke noticed the next morning, was the pleasant warmth radiating around his chest, along with a heavy weight. It took him a few seconds to remember what had happened the night before, and more to the point, why he was laying there with another man's head on his chest. Evidently, neither had moved all night long and Naruto's left arm lay casually draped over his lower abdomen. Sasuke had a brief moment to wish he'd taken his shirt off before climbing into bed before he noticed bright blue eyes staring up at him, a shy grin on Naruto's face as he said, "Morn'in teme."

"Morning," Sasuke managed to say as he once again found his hand tangled in Naruto's hair.

With a slight blush, Naruto pulled away from Sasuke, sitting up on his elbows. "What do you want to do today?"

Immediately missing Naruto's warmth, Sasuke's mind began figuring out a way to get it back. Smirking, he thought of a way to touch Naruto all day long, well - maybe not all day. He guessed it would depend on how much Naruto had managed to recover in the past few days. "I haven't noticed you training much these past few days."

Naruto's eyebrows shot up, his mouth breaking out into a wide grin. "You mean you wanna spar?"

Sasuke raised his arms, pulling them back and behind his head as he looked up innocently. "Only if you feel up to it."

Instantly, Naruto sat, bouncing up and down on the bed. "Hell yeah! I am so gonna kick your ass."

"Are you still asleep dobe?"

Naruto looked genuinely confused as he answered, "No."

"Are you sure, because you must be dreaming if you think you can beat me."

"Oi - you arrogant bastard," Naruto shouted as he jumped up on the bed. "Care to make a wager on that?"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "What kind of wager?"

"If I win, you have to answer a question - truthfully."

"What kind of question?"

"That's for me to decide."

Sasuke stared up at his hyperactive friend, his mind working over the proposal.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Naruto's eyes danced with mischief. "Scared, teme?"

"Hn- you wish. Fine, but it's a stupid bet. There's no way you're winning."

"Says you!" Naruto sang as he hopped from the bed, his excitement overflowing.

Groaning, Sasuke muttered, "No one should have that much energy this early in the morning."

"Stuff it teme. It's not my fault, I was just born this way."

Sasuke stiffened, afraid of what Naruto had implied. But looking over, Naruto was simply humming happily as he gathered his clothes. Evidently, his talk with Gaara had done some good and inwardly Sasuke relaxed. It seemed Naruto was back to his old self.

"I call the shower!" Naruto yelled before running out the bedroom door, leaving Sasuke laying in the bed, thinking some of the most impure thoughts he'd ever had in his life. And that, was saying something. Soon, they'll be no need for one of us to shower first. We'll be doing it together, Sasuke thought with an evil smirk. Closing his eyes, he let his mind imagine a naked Naruto, beads of water sliding down golden tanned skin, sinking lower and lower with each second . . .

Sasuke's plan worked better than even he'd thought it would. Indeed, Naruto was feeling better. His wounds had completely healed and it appeared as if both his chakra's were almost at one hundred percent. They'd spent most of the morning traveling to a more secluded location and then wasted away the afternoon fighting - just like they had as children. Along the way, Sasuke finally realized he'd never asked what he would get when he won. To this, Naruto simply asked what he wanted, and although a plethora of exotic things came to mind, he finally settled on them eating something different for dinner other than ramen. Naruto only groaned and told Sasuke he better be deciding what kind of ramen he wanted that night.

A Mind is A Terrible Thing to Lay Waste || lunamist » vonlaneWhere stories live. Discover now