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The stage is a beautiful thing. A place of humor, a place of tears, a place of expression, a place of stories. An actor is a tool of the stage. One who laughs, one who cries, one who expresses, one who tells stories. And when you put an actor and a stage together you make something great. And when you bring actors together, and give them a stage, you create something amazing, something wonderful, something huge, fantastic, incredible, something beautiful. And if you put a small boy, with a song in his heart, before such a magnificent thing, you create wonder. And wonder is what the stage is. What it loves, creates, sings, preaches, teaches, gives. Wonder is the stage. And to walk the stage, is to walk a place of wonder and give it as a gift. The gift of a story, the gift of a dance, the gift of a song. And that is a gift that will change a young boys life. Wonder and beauty, those are the seeds of something bigger, something stronger, something more amazing, wonderful, fantastic, cazy, unimaginable, unbeatable. Something that will drive that young boy to walk the stage. Not just walk it. That boy will be driven to live the stage, love the stage, walk the stage, dance the stage, sing the stage. This boy will teach wonders to the world. Sing praise to creation. Dance the joy of love. Speek the pain of sorrow. And he will also act. He will act tears and humor. He will act anger and peace. He will love and he will act love. He will search and he will act lost. And all of this because of one strong, wonderful, crazy, unimaginable something. Passion.

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