Chapter One

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   The sun was shining, a light breeze was blowing and it was an overall a beautiful late winter day. And Alex would rather be nowhere but inside. Why? Because inside is where he rehearsed for show choir.
   "Yes" he thought to himself, "I could be out with friends or playing soccer at the park" but he decided that the wooden stage and thick blue curtains were a better place, for nothing gave him more joy than the stage.
   "Also", he added to himself, "I've got plenty of friends right here" which was true. Over only a few months the choir had grown into a family. And he was the baby.
   The "freshie" as they called him. He was the only freshmen in the show choir and the first ever. He had requested an audition late in the summer and was surprised to find the choir teacher very interested in him. And of course he had made it. And so here he was practicing some complex but not difficult choreography with his new found family.
    After finishing the song they were working on Mrs Lizza, the choir instructor, stood. "I am so impressed with you guys. It looks really good" she smiled with pride and continued "I think we've got this down so why don't you head out half an hour early" she then looked straight at Alex "maybe you'll get to soccer practice on time for once Alex" they all laughed at this before picking up their scattered jackets, shoes, phones, and keys from backstage and departing. Mrs Lizza was rather eccentric which fit her as instructor of both the music and theatre departments. She was also very funny and related well to her students. Alex liked her a lot.
    He ducked into the dressing rooms to change into his cleats and shin guards for soccer. As he was tieing the final of the two shoes his best friend Ashley poked her hand through the door "is it safe" she asked in mock fear.
    "No, you better not come in you might see too much skin. Knees and forearms are a nasty business" she laughed and stepped in.
    She had long dirty blonde hair and was a little shorter than Alex but just as thin. They both constantly had smiles on their faces. The two of them met in their fifth grade play titled "Romeo and Juliet's Happily Ever After" in which the two characters don't die but instead get lost and eventually find eachother. They both played the main rolls and naturally found the awkwardness of acting true love quite hilarious. They often got into all sorts of silly endeavors for they both lived to make others laugh.
    "Missing something" she said before quickly tossing a water bottle at him.
    "Thanks" he said as he caught the water bottle.
    She grunted in annoyance "how come you're so good at catching stuff".
    "I'm a keeper remember" he said pulling out his goalie gloves.
    "Isn't that something in Harry Potter?" She teased.
     "No" he said exasperatedly "J.K. Rowling got that from the real life sport. The term keeper is the original word for goalie" He knew she was just saying that to annoy him but they always played along to each others teasing
    "I actually do have to go to practice though"
     She rolled her eyes "I know. Jeese show choir and soccer? Don't you want to have like, a life Alex?"
   He laughed "maybe someday"
    By now they were walking out of the high school theatre. Alex bowed low exaggeratedly saying "and this is where we must part ways my ladie"
   She giggled and curtsied "good day kind sir" and so they separated she walking off to the road to her house, he walking down to the field and goals where he loved to spend the rest of his time.
   The next morning they met at the usual corner, under the usual oak tree, and followed the usual path up to class. Then Alex had rehearsal, then soccer practice.

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