McChanzo - The western Shards

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Wuhang,China; late afternoon

Hanzo's sitting before a shrine he made out of bamboo. His pony tail whiffing in the wind he sits in front of an old fashioned, oriental house, praying for the safety of his brother, Genji, who got hit by a bomb while he was saving a child from a burning house.

"Prayin' for something?" He jumps a little as Jesse appears behind him. "Wow. Did you make that yourself? That looks great pal! You should become a sculptor instead of an archer!"

"Jesse...could you please stop this nonsense in front of me while my brother is fighting for his life inside there?" With an annoyed look on his face the black haired man stares to the direction of the house, which was serving as the "improvised hospital".

"Aw come on pal. You've been lookin' gloomy all day. You can't help your brother giving off a negative vibe! Come on come on! Smile! I hate it when you don't smile! Oh wait! Look at this! I tried to draw you yesterday!" With those words he takes a grubby piece of paper out of his jacket and gives it to the other man. "Jesse I really don't have..." For a moment he grows silent just to laugh like he was going insane. "Oh dear.... hahaha... Jesse.... what is this supposed to be?..."

"Well... I guess you could say I was trying to draw you like one of my French girls?"

"I don't think that Widow would let you draw her with those... questionable art skills."

"It's just a saying pal."

"I see. That of course makes more sense. If you would have asked Amélie you wouldn't be standing here anymore."

"Now that's rude you know?"

Hanzo doesn't seem to listen to the cowboy anymore but instead concentrates on praying again.

"Hey now. You can't just ignore me here."

Sulking, the Cowboy bows down to the praying man and reaches out to him as Hanzo begins to speak again.

"Jesse. This is important for me right now. Please give me a moment. Unless you want to have an arrow in your heart, of course."

Although his words are sharp and reprehensive the smaller one smiles and says it in a polite way, opening one eye and looking into the taller ones direction. The cowboy just shrugs his shoulders and turns around, entering the house but not without looking back to the archer with a dreamy expression on his face.

"Now could it be that someone's in love?"

Now it's the cowboy's time to jump as Angela takes off his cowboy hat to stroke his hair.

"Angie? But... aren't you..."

"The operation was successful. He will survive. Now let me guess. If I go there and relieve Hanzo from his thought of Genji dying you will be relaxed again?"

"I-i'm relaxed the whole time Angie. Not havin' any idea what you're talkin' about."

Trying to defend himself the cowboy shakes his head and looks at the blond woman with an nearly pleading look. She just chuckles and carefully pushes the cowboy aside, walking up to the still praying Hanzo and laying one hand on his shoulder. Now if he'd have done that Hanzo would have already shot an arrow into his face. Getting just a little bit jealous the cowboy silently watches Angela talking to the archer and Hanzo bowing before her, practically showering her in gratitude. With a loud sigh he turns around as he feels Angela's eyes on him again. With confident steps he turns to the other direction, looking for the kitchen, he quickly gets lost, but regains his confidence when he finds the older lady.

"I'm sorry Granny. Could you show me again where the kitchen is?" Granny, how he lovingly called the elder, grins at him and points into two directions. "I'm still not Granny, Cowboy. If you call me by my real name I may show you the way. Your sense of direction is really hopeless."

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