The Long Haul

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There weren't many times in her life that she felt totally lost but as she walked along the cobble stone path, the understanding was there.  This college was way bigger than her last.  Madea had gone to a small community college back home in Washington.  She now lived in Pennsylvania, a huge state it was indeed.  The rinky dink college that she once went to was to get her prereqs out of the way.  Her major in Studio Art, in order to succeed needed to be in a bigger format.  A grander scale. 

She was faced with three months of living here before the semester started, allowing her to find a house and a job.  The house she shared with two other people, Paul and Marcos.  She fit in best with boys.  Madea worked for South Street Fluid Night Club in Philidelphia.  One of the hottest clubs with the unground music enjoyed in the modern culture.  She fancied it and worked as a bartender, however the club life wasn't her scene.  She would rather go to the smaller community to party than something so frequently busy. 

Madea continued to walk along the cobble stone path that was leading her to the Art Institute of Philidelphia.  She sighed and tipped her head down, long bangs that blended with her hair fell forward as she walked along.  Multicolored headphones dangling from her ears that she custom bought and just had to have, were eminating music of the electronic type.  She cracked a half smile as it drummed in her ears loudly.  However the music and looking down didn't help her case when she smacked into someone and fell onto her butt. 

Looking up she yammered, "HEY!  Watch yourself...."

Dusting herself off.  Wearing tights and a long white baggy shirt with a beautiful purple scarf that matched her *Alstar purple shoes. Curls drapped down to her rib cage that were a amber color tinged into brown hair, giving it a red affect in the sun.  Her bracelets were clanging as she wiped the last of the cobble stone debris off.  

She looked up to see the face of the mystery man she had encountered before at her doorstep, however his face was much different.  It held a state of fear and exhaust.  He mouthed sorry before turning around and headed away.  He didn't interact with her or acknowledge her the way he had before.  Which confused her.  He acted as if he never met her infact. A part of her reacted with a ping of pain, making her legs take off in a jolt after him.  As if her body was moving without her permission.  Her arm slid into the gap of his arm, smiling brightly up at him. 

He smiled weakly at her, "Hey twitter....wh...ehehmn why are you holding onto my arm?" 

She frowned slightly thinking he might not like what she was doing, but she shrugged it off at grinned turning her music off and walking with him, "I'm giving you the much needed company your face told me you needed."


"Oh and by the way, my name is Mahdea, no...not madea goes to jail, no not maria either.  Mahdea."  She nodded in resolve and kept walking.

"Mahdea....I like it."  His smile brightened and it made her heart jump with joy, she blushed and turned her head downward so he wouldn't see. 

"So why is it your walking around running into innocent girls who are rocking out to Dave Matthews Band?" 

"Well I didn't know you felt so violated, but I didn't mean to.  Your kinda.....short.  And I'm....well....I'm not.  I really honestly didn't even see you." 

She hadn't noticed till now but she looked up at him and realized he was probably a good 6' 5", where as she sat at a whopping 5' nothing.  She sighed, "I am not ALL that short." 

"I hate to break it to you but I think you qualify as a legal midget twitter."  He laughed softly, almost too faint to hear.

"Hey!  It's not my fault you were born a red wood tree, not all of us are Paul Bunyan ya know."  She half glared at him and stuck her tongue out.

He shook his head and kept walking before they hit a large building that made even him look small. "Well twitter...this is my stop." He started to walk into the building before she shook her head and gasped.

"WAIT!  Whats your name?!"  She stood looking innocent at the bottom of the stairs awaiting an answer.

"Emmanuel...But most people just call me Nell."  He winked and headed in leaving her awstruck that she felt so close to him.  All of a sudden however she heard the loud clang of a clock tower, making her realize it was now noon and she was fifteen minutes late for class.  She booked it and ended up sliding through the door and tripping on the stairs that led to the lecture hall seats, making her embarass herself infront of 145 students on her first day of class. 

With a huff she sat in the far back row and pulled out her notebook, looking at what he wrote in it.  She smiled and half doodled his face on a piece of paper getting it oddly correct, however it was nothing in comparison.  As an artist would see it, he was well sculpted.  Having shape that gave him a very Godly look.  She bit the inside corner of her lower lip starting to draw details before a girl next to her leaned over and staired. 

"What do you want?"  Mahdea whispered almost snotty like.

"That guy....what a hottie!  Let me guess, a stunning boyfriend for a stunning girl right?"  She giggled in a whisper and battered her eyes at Mahdea making her feel a bit uncomfortable. 

"He isn't my boyfriend!"  She said that a bit louder and heard over a loud speaker the first few things she's heard too much and hated hearing.

"YOUNG LADY!  There is no reason to shout in my class let alone talk, is there something you need to share?"  The lecture hall professor for Art Appreciation was looking up at her in an angry sort of way.  Making Mahdea nervous.  She shook her head and glared at the girl next to her.

"No sir, nothing at all."  She smiled and the teacher smiled back in a very creepy stalker type of way.  Making Mahdea shift in her seat and want to whimper in disgust.  She didn't know what it was, but since she was a child her smile had a bewitching affect on people.  Of the male and female persuasion.  She never smiled, but according to the tabloids known as everyone who dained to mention it, her smile could make anyone do her bidding.  It made her feel awkward enough to smile very rarely.

It then hit her she smiled at Nell and he didn't even budge, he just smiled politely in return.  This was something that never happened.  She never had that affect on anyone when she smiled.  It also hit her that she willingly smiled without wanting to get her way, just smiled because she felt it fit in that moment.  She....oh goodness help her, was happy in that moment.  Who was that boy really?  He seemed so different from everyone else.  Also, he wasn't as creepy of a stalker as she thought he was, although he was till creepy in his own way.  She couldn't put her finger on it but she knew something was different.  She sighed and kept drawing, ignoring the Professor and girl next to her all together.  Awaiting for the class she was once excited to be, to be over. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2012 ⏰

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