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A/n:Okay i am still alive don't worry! But i won't update that much i still haven't made a chapter yet..same goes
To the other ones but i am still keeping on cheering on the my team on sport-fest so please don't be mad or
Spam me please? I have a hard time...
I can't keep up with everything but i do hope you check out some of my books...

Okay...i am truly sorry...but by i mean hard time i mean depression don't worry though..i still haven't cut yet though..i am scared on telling you guys why i am in depression..but i want to be open with you guys so here goes my problems also please do not feel bad or guilty or any worries i don't want you guys having problems added on your list but here i go..

I,myself is a kind girl..but i know some of my friends are just using me..for my kindness,i already have problems in my house but again i feel invisible in my school...or you can say people ignored me in school
they act as if my pressence isn't there which is sad if you think about..they only come to me when they needed something...i know some are having pity on me but i don't want pity i prefer to handle everything by myself ,my grandfather has brain cancer,my sister is bossy,and other,but i really want to help anyone who is in depression sadly i cannot,i act in the social media is happiness even though its fake..i have faced so much things in life but some just don't understand..i have been crying...thinking no one cares about me...and saying to myself "i want to die!" "What is my purpose of being here on earth?" And other negative things but i know that cutting isn't the case or sucide..but i keep on telling myself negative things even though i already write things in my arm or leg sadly i wanted to end my life dearly,but i couldn't bring myself into doing it..i have been faking alot.. also if my sister sees this...
Thanks for calling me ugly! Even though she make me have no confidence on myself!!

But if you need some one to talk to you can come to me and tell me and i will respond as soon as i come back from school and feel free to comment what ever you want!and i am truly sorry for wasting your time

But thats all for now Bai!

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