It could have been perfect

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As Agieriana walk through the halls her heart thumped. There he was, her mystery boy, talking to his friends. His reddish brown hair mussed up from leaning against the lockers. He was a grade above her, and next year would be his first year in high school. She had liked him all year but was too shy to talk to him. "There he is", she said. Her friend Miko turned "who?". "My mystery boy" , when she said that her and the boys eyes locked, for a second. Miko took Agieriana by the hand and dragged her over to him. Miko forcibly pushed Agieriana, "Hi". Suddenly the boy responded "hello" Out of pure embarresment and shame Agieriana said good bye and ran, she felt like crying. How could she have been so dumb. She knew what telling Miko meant, it meant letting her meddle. Suddenly her day started to shift and change. Her color coded schedule was replaced with thoughts of boys. She felt the hormones rush to her head in a wave of reluctant excitement. After school that day Miko decided she wanted to visit the high school down the road because she left her phone there when she went for a tour. The high school was tall and proud looking with statues of lions above the main entrance. As Miko and Agieriana walked toward the High School the concrete statutes glimmered in the afternoon sun. Out the corner of her eye Agieriana could see some one looking at her. It was another mystery boy but this one she gave the alias of Baseball boy. He too was about to enter high school but he already belonged to the high school's baseball team. He stood there in his uniform his dirty blonde hair lightly shifting in the breeze as if trying to escape his navy blue baseball cap. She glanced over at him but couldn't stare too long because Miko was dragging her. The sky was a beautiful blue Agieriana waited outside till Miko came out. They said their goodbyes. Later that evening after her parents had long since gone to bed, she decided to write down her day. She began, "As Ariana walked through the halls..."

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