"Help Please!"

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"Some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood. But everyone has something to give." ~ Barbara Bush

Hello all! If you got all excited because you saw I uploaded a new story in the Fool for Love series, I'm so sorry to disappoint you, but this isn't that! I know it's a little confusing with the quote and all, but I really didn't feel right writing something for this title without adding a quote. You understand, right? However, I am so glad you opened this up, because I really need your help! As some of you know, most of you don't, I'm about to publish A Fool for Love! Can't tell you how excited I am! I have such big plans for these two stories! This is where you, my beautiful fans, come in. I was thinking about adding discussion questions to the end of the book. You know, for book clubs or what not. Do you all think this is a good idea? I'd really love to hear what you think!

If by chance, you love the idea and have a few questions suggestions for me, write the question in the comments. If you really want to know the answer to your question, let me know that as well. I'll upload tomorrow and answer whatever questions you may have. If and when I choose one of your questions for the actual published book, I will be sure to acknowledge you, by name, in the book.

Thank you all so much for all you've done to help me write these stories. I honestly don't think I would be doing any of this if it wasn't for your love and support. So round of applause for you guys! I do have a few generic questions, some that are a little thought provoking. If you all would like to read some of the questions, let me know! Better yet, we can make a thing of it! I'll do a question a day or so, and you guys can answer them. If you don't like the question or I don't get a lot of answers, I'll know not to use that question.

Here's how it will work: At the end of this, I'll ask a question. You guys respond in the comments and tomorrow or the next day, I'll reply to it all and answer any questions that you have. Hope you guys are up for the challenge because I honestly miss these characters.

The questions are for A Fool for Love, but if you must, you can apply them to A Fool for Love too as well. I really just need to be sure they are good questions, so it doesn't matter which book you talk about. We could even apply each question to both stories! You guys are usually pretty straight forward with me, so I encourage you to answer them truthfully and really let me know how you feel. This can only make me a better writer, so don't hold back!

 Again, I want to thank you all in advance for your help! Hope to hear from you soon! ~ Key



How did you experience the book? Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to "get into it"? How did you feel reading it-amused, sad, disturbed, confused, bored...?

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