Fifth spell: The winter storm

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Elsa's Journal: 

Jack returned, Tooth explained everything and basically I'm relived. The Jack that broke up with me wasn't Jack! It was someone else. Apperently there's a huge phenomenon thats going on and Jack's part of it. But not everything sum's up. Like why did Jack loose his memories? Was that part of the ritual? And why did Pitch let Jack escape to come back for me? If Pitch needed Jack for the ritual-- why did he send him back knowing Jack might find out the truth. It didn't sum up. Those were too far off from Pitch's main goal which was to take over the world, kill muggles and rule. Hehe I don't even think I'd be suprise if Hans was working for him! ..........

 Thats it! Sorry Journal! I'll continue to write when I get back. 

------------------- End of journal -----------------

What place has all the answers to every question? The library!  I quickly stammered down the halls the floor left some frosted footprint but I know it was all out of excitement. Remember I controll my powers out of love? - My mind reminded me so I didn't bother. The humming birds were all around on each students shoulers. The staff must have left again. Basically I had to do what I could to solve it. The yetti's replaced the each professor even the librarian. I gave a strong facade hoping no one would bother me. Checking my left then my right I headed for the restricted book area. That is the area where they kept all the extremely usefull books at the same time it was extremely dangerous. 

"Alohamora'." I whispered to the door knob that kept the door lock. It twisted silently then clicked I leaned in closer and opened it slightly to let my body slip in. Inside I ran towards the Dark history section. My finger touched all the covers of the book starting from A. It was a long long and I mean extremely long section of books. I needed to hurry though. "Elemental wizards-- Elemental wizards--- Ah! The great massacre of elemental wizards." I quickly pulled the book out and held it inside my cloak. A yetti appeared inspecting the area. I held my breath knowing I wasn't exactly invisible since my foot prints were easily spotted in the floor. I ran to the side avoiding every possible angle it might see me.   'This will go on forever! Get out of there already! ' I shouted to myself. Throwing a snowball at one of the books, it caught the yetti's attention. I quickly pulled away and headed to the door. I opened it and managed to slip out releasing a gush of cold air from my exhaile. Good thing no body saw that. 

I headed to the place Merida, Repunzel and Hiccup showed me. It was basically deserted and secret. That way no Baby-tooth would have followed me here. I opened the book as loud screams echoed all around. "Save meee! Leave me alone!!!! I'm not a monster!!!" Cried the voices being slashed. I turned to the next page as the screams stopped. 

"Okay.... " I mumured and began to read: 

My name is Hazel. I was only 9 years old when I survived the massacre.

I had the elemental power of flame. Powers beyond control. There were a lot of people just like me. My father nursed most of them even though he was a muggle. Every magical human came to seek my father for refuge. He was always happy to take care of them and gave them love that everyone there craved for. To be understood.  

Sadly everything was destroyed. In 1989 the house my father and friends lived in was burned. It wasn't by me but by the villagers. Several kids accidentaly froze the crops in a near by farm. The farmer was angry and burned our house. When Father came to talk to them they took him and thrown him in jail. Everyone of us was then attacked. We coudn't strike back. It was against the magic council's laws to hurt a human using magic. In other words we were defenceless. Most of my friends died and I wasn't able to see my father since. On that same day the moon turned black. My friends couldn't use their powers. It was gone. As you probably already know we get our power from the moon. Now that the moon was dark.. My powers were dark. I had no control over my body. It did what it pleased burning the opera house, killing millions of people.  I heard screams and cries and wasn't able to stop.

My Slytherin Boyfriend: Jack frost and Elsa Hp AuWhere stories live. Discover now