Chapter 40: Reborn

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I become faintly aware of something cold and gritty under my cheek and palms. A low groan comes from the back of my throat as I try to push myself up off my stomach. The fatigue from the battle is finally getting to me, and I'd rather take a warm bath than anything right now. My eyes fly open at the thought of the battle as everything comes rushing back to me. I'm on my feet in an instant, but there's no sign of Kirkland anywhere.

My bow lies carelessly strewn in the gray sand at my feet, and I quickly bend over to pick it up. An eerie sense of déjà vu nags at my mind as I look up and down the long length of the dreary beach I woke up on, and as I do so, large indentations in the sand catch my eye. I jog to the spot where they start and begin to follow them. The only thing that can make anything of this size is Kirkland.

A long, long trail stretches down the beach, and I continue to follow it for a very long time. Time itself seems warped in this light forsaken realm, so it's impossible to judge just how long I was running. The footprints eventually lead away from the beach toward the field full of boulders. Oblivion hasn't changed at all it seems.

I'm about to start jogging down a very large path that's been formed through the debris, which I assume Kirkland made, when a low growling sound in the distance reaches my ears. Without hesitation, I notch a light arrow in my bow and aim toward the sound. I'm met with the sight of one of the faded spirits that wander this realm. The shadowy figure turns its head in my direction, but doesn't react otherwise.

" long.......since light.........errrrrrrggghhh."

I lower my weapon as the figure walks away. I've never seen one in this part of Oblivion, let alone heard one speak. I quickly shake the odd feeling I get and continue down the path. The sooner I catch up to Kirkland, the better. I don't have to run far before I see the dark, hunched back of the shadow handler a ways off in the distance. He is crushing all of the rocks and dirt if front of him with brute strength, and I'm glad I haven't had to face him head on in this form. At least not yet.

The beast pauses as if something has caught his attention, and my heart practically stops. A few tense moments pass as he swings his dark head from side to side to take in his surroundings. Satisfied that he is indeed alone, Kirkland continues to force his way through the field of debris.

It's not long until he reaches the tall gray grass that bends and sways with a will of its own, however, in this form, the shadow handler is easily twice as tall as the monochromatic grass.

"You can't fool me anymore," he rumbles in a deep voice. "I'll go wherever I please from now on!" The beast takes a large step into the grass, only to have the vegetation push him back. "Nooooooooo! I am your master! Obey me!"

He tries once more to force his way through the grass, but it won't allow him to pass. Meanwhile, I keep making my way toward the shadow handler while maintaining a safe distance. I really don't want to get involved with him right now since I can't see it ending well.

"You!" Kirkland spins around faster than I thought possible and glares at me with blazing red eyes. "I know you've been following me for a while now! Come here!"

I hesitate to do as he says. "Why should I? You're just going to kill me."

"Revenge is not sweet unless you take it the way you want," he replies. "I don't want to kill you until we're in the right place, but I will do it now if you continue to be difficult." His eyes glow dangerously. "And I promise you, it won't be pleasant in the least."

Living for as long as possible is high on my list of priorities, so I join the shadowy beast by the grass and look into its swaying depths. The gray tendrils seem to sense my presence and immediately make way for me to pass through. I take the first couple steps through slowly, but pick up my pace when I realize Kirkland is going to follow me.

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