IX ■ Deals & Stipulations

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"We should kill her now." One of six men shrouded in a black cloak spoke. "Afterall, the Prince is still alive," he reminded the group.

With a shake of his head, another let out a snarl of disgust. "I did not sign up to murder innocent children, Thantos," the other spat.

"Freedom is never free," Thantos shot back. "How else did you expect us to rid ourselves of the throne?"

As the poor child looked up at the men, big fat tears rolled down her cheeks.

"P-- please," the girl stuttered as she continued to tremble. "Please don't kill me."

"Look at her," yet another spoke, this one with pity in his voice. "Her entire village is gone, her parents slaughtered. She'll never survive out there alone. Killing her would be an act of mercy."

"Mark my words," the same man who had adressed Thantos spoke up again. "If we kill her, there will be consequences."

"Then that's the price we'll have to pay! If we don't kill this girl, then we might as well have just remained under the tyranny of the Royals!"

At those words, a sudden uproar erupted among five of the cloaked figures. The sixth one however, kneeled down, studying the ruddy child. The girl was surprised to find that the face looking back at her wasn't that of a man-- but a woman.

"By the Gods," the woman smiled. "Aren't you as pretty as a princess."

The girl stopped crying to look up at the slender woman for a moment. This gauntly face framed by long, stringy black hair would forever by emblazoned in the child's mind. But what she would never understand, is how this woman and the others could murder her entire pack and seem so completely unrepentant.

"Quit fraternizing with the prisoner, Anastasia."

"I'm not," the woman frowned as she stood up from beside the young girl. "But have any of you considered the grave repercussions we may incur if we slaughter this child?"

"Of course!" Thantos replied. "But if we don't want the Royal line to continue, what other choice do we have?" He challenged.

With a nod of her head, Anastasia rounded the circle of men. "As Luna of this pack, I will take full responsibility for this child. We will keep her in the pack dungeon for the time being, and when things settle down, we'll ship her to the Americas."

"That's not a bad idea," another commented. "And she'll be far enough away, Alpha Jackson will never be able to feel her."

"Exactly," Anastasia confirmed. "The Royal lineage will die with the Prince."

With a snap of her long, bony fingers, two of the men grabbed the girl and followed Anastasia deep into the dungeon. The stench of rotting flesh hit the child like a nauseating ton of bricks and as they tossed her into a cell, the poor child gagged as she fought back the urge to vomit.

Though she was young and had never shifted, the cuff of silver they placed around her ankle, seared and sizzled as it made contact with her flesh. A moment later, the heavy metal door was slammed shut and Alexandria was plunged into darkness. With an ear piercing scream, the child pounded against the door-- but it would be many weeks later before the girl saw the light of day again.

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