EXO's Partnership

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A/N: This story has 3 author.. Sorry for the Grammars.. Pls. message us on facebook if you want another FANFIC about EXO.. Here's my account. : Pia Moquera.. Pls. support this story. Kamsa Hamnida.



Lu Han(Luhan), Oh Se Hun(Sehun), Wu Yi Fan(Kris), Huang Zi Tao(Tao), Kim Joon Myeon(Suho), Park Chan Yeol(Chanyeol), Do Kyung Soo(Kyungsoo), Byun Baek Hyun(Baekhyun), Zhang Yi Xing(Lay), Kim Jong Dae(Chen), Kim Jong In(Kai), Kim Min Seok(Xiumin), Yoon Pia, Lee Henschel, Kung Erika, Sue Justine, Gu Julyanne, Guem Min, Choi Jezah, Lim Sophia, Li Eden, Hyun Yoona, Manager Wo

Chapter 1(The new beginning of GENETRIX)


“Your Debut is on Jan. 10.” Our manager said to us. It’s been a month since we have been put together as a group. It’s hard for me to move on to get out of my own country but it's for my career anyways. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Yoon, Pia. I’m a Filipino-Korean. My family owns an elites school in the Philippines, we have the biggest companies in Korea and the Philippines. (A/N: Pls. read… check it out if what happened to Pia and her group and of course her group’s love life. ^_^) We have a group here in Korea known as GENETRIX. “Hmmm. Okay!” I said. Oh! BTW.  GENETRIX has 10 members. Me, Henschel Lee, Erika Kung, Justine Sue, Julyanne Gue, Min Guem, Jezah Choi, Sophia Lim, Eden Li, Yoona Hyun. “Manager Oppa, is there anyone in the rehearsal room??” I asked him. “No. but anytime soon EXO will rehearse theere” HUH?? Who’s EXO?? Manager Oppa didn’t tell us who they are. “Manager, can I ask?” Yoona asked the Manager Oppa. Manger nods. “Are they cute, hot, and handsome?” and eventually I face palmed. Manager replied with a simple smile and nod. “OMG. Are you sure OPPA?” Everyone  shouted except me. I’m not interested in them. “Ne. But remember NO-DATING-POLICY.” All nods. “Manager, can we use the rehearsal room?” I said. “Ne.” Our Manager said. We went to the rehearsal. My group mates are gossiping about EXO. “OMG. Manager Oppa said they’re cute. ACKK!” Henschel scream. “GUYS!!” I scream. “Stop that now! We should practice the new dance that I made, so stop that!!!” I scolded them. We came to the room. They stop gossiping about EXO. We practiced the dance. They picked the song. The song they picked was Growl by EXO. Obviously they don’t even know EXO, yet they already fall In love with them. These girls these days, but I think the song is awesome. We repeat it again and again, until we hear some boys walking coming to the rehearsal room. “I think that is EXO.” Min said to me, but I didn’t stop dancing until they opened the door, my eyes glowed like an owl, and luckily they didn’t see it. We were about to go out but they stopped us. “You can practice your dance here while we’re here. It’s okay. The one with the pink hair said practically  shouting at us. “G.Guerae” I said while stuttering. “Good, because I’m looking forward to practicing with you girls, especially you.” The one with tan skin said while looking and winking at Julyanne. “It’s okay. We just finished our practice. Kamsa Hamnida..” I said. “BTW. I’m Luhan.” The one with a pink hair. “I’m Pia.” He’s cute a little but I’m not interested in them. Yes, you can say I am a Kill Joy but I’m not interested in them. “We are ONE, We are EXO.” They said. “I’m Henschel.” Wow!! Henschel you’re the one!!. *Kring Kring Kring Kring* I get my phone at my pocket. Manager Oppa is calling. “Guys, I’m going outside.” They just nod at me. I get out of the rehearsal room. I answer the phone. “Yobosayo?” I said. “Pia? Where are you?” Manager asked. “We’re in the rehearsal room, Remember?” I said

Luhan POV

We were on our way to the rehearsal room and when we heard our song playing inside the room. “Is that our song?” Kai asked. I nod at him. We hear some girls singing our song. I think their voices are awesome. In our  curiousness we walk at the door, I opened the door and we saw 10 beautiful ladies dancing. They stopped the song and they stopped dancing. They were about to leave, but I stopped the girl with a curly black hair. “You can practice your dance here while we’re here, it’s okay.” I said. “G.Guerae” the girl said. “Good, because I’m looking forward to practicing with you girls, especially you.” Kai said to the Blonde short hair girl while winking at her. BYUNTAE!! . “It’s okay. We just finished our practice. Kamsa Hamnida.” The one with the curly black hair said to me.. She has a good smile. Her eyes is complementing with her hair. SHE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. “BTW. I’m Luhan.” I said.. “I’m Pia Yoon.”  She say. What a beautiful name. “We are ONE, We are EXO.”We said “I’m Henschel Lee.” The girl next to Pia. They are all BEAUTIFUL, but Pia really stood out to me. *Kring Kring Kring Kring* She grabbed her phone from her pocket. “Guys, I need to take this,Excuae me for awhile.” Pia said. “We are Genetrix” they say. “I’m Sehun Oh.” Sehun said to Henschel. Manager Hyung said there will be a new K-Pop group formed by SMEnt. I have a feeling they’re the new group. Manager Hyung was refferring to.He also told us he will be managing that new group.I think this group and our group will really get along well. They introduce themselves. Pia came in. “Genetrix, we got to go. Manager is waiting for us.” Pia said. They grabbed stuff from the table,said their final goodbyes and started walking out of the room. “THEY’RE BEAUTIFUL!” Kai said… “I KNOW RIGHT!” they all say in chorus. “Okay. We are going to practice not talking about girls!” Suho said. WHAT A KILL JOY.


I hung up the phone and start walking. “Genetrix, we got to go. Manager is waiting for us.” I say. They grab their stuff from the table and they started walking. We we’re all outside the rehearsal room and my group mates are gossiping about EXO. “oh my god. Sehun is super cute!” Henschel said. “oh my god. Kai’s super hot!” Julyanne said. We got the van that Manager Oppa said to us. We are in the van. *Kring Kring Kring Kring* my phone. I search for my phone at my bag and there I saw my phone. Manager  is calling. “Yobosayo?” I said. “Pia, where are you?!” Manager said.. " We're on our way. Just wait Oppa." I said . Manager hang up. Wow. What a nice attitude. The van stopped in a hotel. A HOTEL?!. What the hell are we going to do here?! we get out of the van, many reporters came to us. I thought our Debut is on January 10?! Manager Wo what have you done.. "I thought our debut is on January 10.What are the reporters doing here? It's creeping me out." Julyanne said. "Okay Ms. pls go this way." the girls said to us. What the hell Is Going On? Manager WO.. EOMMA!! I'm freaking out. AUGHHH!! What the hell is going on? Is our debut today? Manager said it's on January 10! AUGHH!! The girls went to a room and we follow them. "Ms. Pia pls. change your clothes. :)" we change our clothes as they instruct. "Pls. follow." the girl said, we follow them. we are in the room full of people&reporters. what the F. is our debut today?! ."Oppa, why are we here?" i asked him. "Mianhe. Your debut is today. January 10 is not compatible for your debut. The CEO told us that your debut is today. Mianhe Pia, but get ready for the questions that the press will question you all. PLS. BE READY." WHAT!! "Guys, Our debut is today, Right now & right here. GUYS, PLS. BE READY" thay all scream. Oh!! Gosh!! WHY?! We saw EXO entering the HOTEL. I thought they have a rehearsal. we saw some Group that SMEnt. Formed. I feel someone tap my back. It's Luhan. "Annyeong. :)" he said. "Annyeong, why are you here? I thought you have a dance practice." I said. "Manager Hyung, told us that we have a debut to attend so we went here. We didn't know that the debut that we are going to attend is your group. so. GOOD LUCK."  He smile at me went out the backstage. "Kamsa Hamnida!" I shout. he looked back and smile. He's cute but i'm not interested in him.. The MC called out our group name and we came out, the crowd went cheering. My body is shaking!! whooo!! I came out first. We bow at everyone. MC called our names, we standed and we bowed. I touch the necklace that my Eomma gave to me. that necklace ease my nervouse!! whoo!! that's a relief makes me feel good. the reporters questione us and i take it all. what a nice groupmate. we finished the debut. we go to our dorm. we slept peacefully. I miss my friends in the Philippines. Oppa texted me that we have a rehearsal and recording tomorrow. i went to my bed and slept. *BANG* What is that noise?! I came out of my room. Henschel and Justine are Surfing through tha net. They are watching some videos of EXO in Youtube. "Oh My God. They are so hot!" Justine said. "EHEM!!" I fake cough. "Mianhe Unnie. We are now going to sleep" They said. "Good. Tomorrow is a new day. we have rehearsal and recording in our first album. so sleep now.": I scold. they just nod. I was going outside but I noticed that their laptop is on, so I came back to table. I turn off their laptop and go outside. AH!! I can sleep well.


A/N: Once again, Pls. support this story. 




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