Chapter 8 - I Will

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Archer North

I felt guilty.. never in my life I regret this much

I really regret about what I did to her , I didn't know that it affected her this bad. My heart is aching to see her like this.

When I heard that she hasn't eat yet , I felt so guilty. I was joking and hoping she will laugh it off but it turns out I hurt her more. I followed her and saw Chris hugged her.

I'm the one who hurted her and ended up someone else comforting her. I don't like it. Call me selfish but I don't like it.

I know this is dangerous for me because my heart is not beating well , when I close my eyes.. I see her blue eyes , I kept thinking about her. I know where this symptoms leads me , I'm not dump to realise it

"Not going hunting these days?" I looked up to see Aiden sat across me

"Hunting what?"

"You're getting dump? Is there something wrong?" He took my apple and bite it. I shook my head


"What's wrong with her?" He asked and at the same time my phone rings.. I smiled to see Patt's name , I quickly answer it

"Hey Patt"

"Hey North , got want you want here" He said

"Send me through message okay?"

"Will do brother" He ended the call and Aiden raised his eyebrows

"You're finding Calla out through Patt?"

"None of your business" I said and Aiden laughed

"What are you planning huh Archer? Starting to get attract?"

"She's mad at me okay? You know I hurted her 2 days ago , why bother asking again?" I hissed at him and it made him laugh more. My phone vibrates revealing Patt's message about where Calla's studio is.

I took my car keys and walked out

"Goodluck" Aiden said

I got into my car and drove to the address where Patt's message me. Should I bring something? Flowers? Cake? It's not her birthday what am I thinking?

I decided to just bring starbucks to her studio. As soon as I arrived , I felt my heart is beating weirdly just by looking at the building. I must be crazy right now.. I walked up to the 3rd floor and looked at the door awkwardly.

I put my hand on the knob and suddenly the door opened revealing Calla in a black long sleeve dress with cuts on her shoulder. She looked at me shock and I can see that beautiful blue eyes so clearly


"What are you doing?" As usual.. she always asked me with a cold tone

"I got you coffee"

"What's your purpose coming here? Mock me again? All-"

"I said I won't mock you again Calla" I said trying to control my temper

"So what's your purpose?" She crossed her arms in front her chest looking me suspiciously. My eyes went down from her blue eyes to her red lips.. is she going somewhere?

"I just want to say sorry"

"You're wasting your time here Archer , I'm not going to forgive you so can you just get lost and never meet me again?" She looked at me with hurt all over her eyes

"Look Calla , I'm sorry for everything. I won-"

"I forgive you so can you get lost now?" She cut me quickly and I just felt rejected

"Calla don't be like-"

"What do you want? Expecting us to be friends? No way" She said in a sarcastic tone

"Let's have a date" I blurted and that got out from my mouth without my control , her eyes widen and she looked at me disbelief

"Your jokes are funny Archer but sorry I don't have time for jerks like you" She pushed me. She locked her studio and I saw her back facing me. I turned her body and pushed her body to the door

"It's not a joke Calla , I said I'm sorry" I said and she looked at me coldly

"You said this just because I changed right Archer? If I'm still fat and ugly , people won't even look at me. They won't notice me.. they won't even care if I'm alive or not" She said and I put my hands down

"You're a really easy going person , you can be friend with everyone. That's why I mocked you.. you easily forget and get over it that's why I dare to do that Calla.. I never thought it will make a big scar for you" I said honestly

"I have feelings Archer , not boys who think everything with their brain. We have feelings and do you even know how much you hurt me?"

"I said name everything cause I will do it to get your forgiveness" I said intensely looking at her blue eyes

"Do nothing and get lost.. I will forgive you"

"I won't do that Calla" I said. She pushed me and walked away. I followed her downstairs like a puppy following his owner

"You say sorry because you felt guilty , not because you want to Archer. It's all written in your eyes. Just because you're the 7 Gold Lifes kids all the things that you want you can get it in seconds" She turned to me before she walked to her car

"Just never appear in front of my face again Archer , everytime I look at you I remember everything from the past. I don't want to make a revenge to you.. I just don't want to see you again cause it brings all the memories.. just never appear in front of my face is enough" She added and that stopped me

I hurt her so deep.. I didn't realise it until now

I'm sorry Calla but I can't dissapear or never appear in front of you cause I know I can't handle it. I'm attract to you and I'm 100% aware of it.

I'm going to find another way to get your forgiveness.. I will get your forgiveness along with your heart. I will get that

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