Chapter 8 - The Hounds of Hell

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Elyssa's arms pumped as hard as they could as she ran. Shannon was right on her heels. In the distance they could hear the hounds that were chasing after them through the sparsely populated trees. It didn't take long for Elyssa to realize what a bad idea it might have been to leave the road. Although, who knew if the hounds would have cared about chasing them through a populated area.

"I can't...I can't keep going...," Shannon wheezed through gasps for air.

"Just a little further," Elyssa called back over her shoulder. Up ahead, in the distance Elyssa could see the ocean waves and rocks coming into view. If these hounds were anything like ordinary dogs, hopefully the water would scare them off.

As they neared, Elyssa's heart sank. In the dimming light, what appeared to be the water on the other side of the rocks, was in fact a rock strewn cliff with the ocean below. Cliff diving had not exactly been something on her bucket list of things to do, but it looked like she'd be able to mark it off anyway.

They both slowed to a stop as they reached the edge. Shannon's hand went to her knees as she huffed and puffed for air. They could see the hounds approaching in the distance, their red eyes standing out in the darkness.

"I've never seen dogs like that before."

"They're not normal dogs," Elyssa countered.

"Then what the heck are they?"

"I'm not sure. If I had to guess, I'd say they were hellhounds."

"I think you've been reading too many books again. Since when have you been into fantasy?" Shannon asked as she walked towards the edge of the cliff and glanced down.

"You'd be surprised." Elyssa didn't bother saying anything more. Even if she had the time, it was unlikely that Shannon would believe anything she said.

"What now?" Shannon asked, although it was obvious from the look in her eyes that she already had an idea of what Elyssa was thinking.

"You know that I'm afraid of heights, right?" Shannon continued as she took a few steps away from the edge of the cliff.

"Maybe you just need the proper motivation. Unless you prefer being a chew toy..." Elyssa motioned to the hounds that were quickly closing in on them. Even though she was attempting to keep the conversation somewhat light, she could see the dread growing in Shannon's eyes. On the other hand, Shannon was handling it far better than she was expecting. It was probable that she still didn't understand that these hounds weren't normal.

"...I can't...I don't think I can." The fear was finally starting to get to her. Elyssa could hear it in Shannon's voice, but the only other choice was to face the hounds. Elyssa counted the pack as it closed in on them. As best as she could tell, there were six of them. They were also quite large, maybe twice the size of most large dogs. Covered in a wild, long flowing, black fur, their red eyes were one of the few discernible traits they possessed. What stood out above all else though was their stench, a foul odor that wafted through the air when they got near.

Elyssa had learn several spells over the past several months, but she had yet to use them in a situation like this. Up until this point, any spells that she had used in battle were by accident, or as Annette had once stated, her subconscious knowledge from past lives that kicked in during times of need. The other worry was that she had no idea how powerful these hellhounds were, or if her magic would even be effective against them. For all she knew, they could brush off any attack she threw at them. If that happened during a crucial moment, it might quite possibly mean death.

She felt Shannon's hands as they latched onto the back of her shirt. Elyssa could feel them trembling against her back and she at once knew that getting Shannon to jump just became that much more difficult. Elyssa let out a deep sigh. Things were about to get complicated.

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